In a time when the kind of puzzle game was dominated by blocks to be placed and fit comes from The Assembly Line, a talented group of British authors of the legendary programmers already Xenon II , And U.S. Gold , E-Motion (known in the States as The Game of Harmony ) brilliant and innovative puzzle gameplay and psychedelic graphics hypnotic. Before starting the review proper, I want to say a few words on the title of the game is already a very good exercise in style:
- And energy is the BEGINNING of the famous Einstein formula (proposed, inter alia, the title screen): E = mc 2
- Motion is movement. The energy of the movement, the kinetic energy plays a key role in the dynamics Game
- read the full title is the English word emotion , which refers to the emotions that the experience of playful look forward
Forgive me if I was little ...

The game puts the controls of a spaceship-shaped ball can turn on itself and move in the selected direction (indicated by an arrow on the vehicle itself), just as they did in the good old Asteroids . As in many puzzle game the purpose of the game is seemingly simple: clear the screen by colored orbs that populate it. To achieve this we use the ship to mo 'billiard ball and, thanks to the kinetic energy that two bodies impacting exchange, pushing colored balls against each other. When two balls of the same color collide with each other are eliminated, but if there is a different color to the shock releases a ball that can be dealt with within a time limit, to replenish the reserves of energy of the spacecraft. If small spheres are not retrieved in time become bigger in fact becoming the new target of your mission of destruction.
higher the residence time of the ball on the pitch the greater the frequency with which they vibrate. Harmonic reached its limits, the globes exploding subtracting valuable energy to the ship that explodes in turn when the store energy reaches zero. From this it appears that a level can be completed with the explosion of balls remaining as long as this does not exhaust the residual energy. Between levels and the subsequent energy is restored!

The first two levels are quite easy, then you start to sweat
To make things more complicated than we think any barriers in the present scenario, the absence of the land borders of game that makes you exit the ship side of the screen, as well as targets, reappears from the opposite side and elastic cords, connecting with each other balls (including the same ship as seen from the image on the right), create systems in motion even more complex to manage. Just as in the aforementioned Asteroids, we will have to govern the inertia of the shuttle that will force us to avoid clashes movements well brushed unwanted, resulting in increase of the globes in the game. The number of balls released, following the collision between the balls of different colors, is proportional to the intensity of impact, hence the risk of being overwhelmed by the nasty blood in case of being too aggressive. In short, it takes care even if the time is running out, otherwise too many "enemies" at the end of this level, explosion, we will bring with them oblivion.
To break the rhythm and tension at three levels, is presented with a screen bonus in collecting balls in a definite order or performing in pregevolezza ballistics will be able to plunder the points.

In this bonus level by collecting blue balls accumulate points
Graphically the game is certainly not a miracle view poverty as well as the sound of the scenarios given, to my great regret, the beloved / hated buzzer. Very good but the physics of moving objects that behave realistically in the wake of the shock. The same is true for complex systems that are created with the presence of elastic cords pulling and re-launched the ball in a convincing way.
Before leaving the movie to the must try to better define the emotional value of the title to which I referred in its preamble: the acid colors and gong accompanying impact (unfortunately only in the Amiga version ) give rise to hypnotic experience that will stimulate your senses at the bottom already on alert for the control of the vehicle slips and slides that is a pleasure. Let us playing and then let me know: o)
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