Oscar Giannino quite right to write to the Messenger of today that the earthquake in Japan is a litmus test on nuclear power (and its professional credibility). Fideistic certainty that artist that puts the safety of nuclear power because it clashes with all the agencies that are coming and they were also on his desk and instead ignores it. Those agencies are an indication that we are unfortunately on the verge of meltdown of the huge central Fukushima.
Although, as everyone hopes, a new and perhaps worse than Chernobyl should be avoided, however, would be the litmus test failure with respect to every principle of precaution.
of Gennaro Carotenuto . Source: genarocarotenuto
Quell'editoriale Giannino screamed the front page, those words and rancorous opinionated (but also cowardly and stupid even in their skirt the issue about radioactive leaks since yesterday publicly admitted by the Japanese government), show not only the poor prudence (and intellectual honesty) Giannino, but evidence of its role as a pawn on the chessboard of propaganda created by nuclearists Chicco Testa (Comrade Chicco Testa, sic, who built his career with the Bureau of Legambiente and that was for two terms of the parliamentary communist). This is the one who, in addition to having developed a successful recent campaign-nucleus (the Italian Nuclear Forum, with its game of chess) and to hold the purse strings of propaganda nuclear, has publicly threatened to "smash the face" to the geologist Mario Tozzi just for daring to reveal the enormous economic interests and the cost benefits teetering behind the return to the Italian nuclear.
So they make a claim, impeccable in their double-breasted, these alleged experts sent in haste to represent the interests each nuclear radio and TV that is dedicated to the tragedy at this time in Japan. They were there, reassuring in their stately appearance, with both hands to spread confidence despite the increasingly alarming news. Not only can not reassure us by denying the obvious but those double-breasted are denounced as a threat not so much and not only for safety and for the development of this country. In fact they are the real polluters of our time such as those alleged scientists paid by the government of $ 5,000 to George Bush in opposition to the article to other studies on climate change pseudostudi them rebuts flooding the media with lies to confuse public opinion by denying the obvious.
In Italy it is these days, past the fourth floor in the mass media, the victory of nuclear decree in one thousand extensions have dealt a mortal blow to the solar and wind energy. E 'was almost a coup that is good to remember the words: Stop the Energy Bill incentives for PV once you reach the roof (near) fixed. The same Energy Bill repealed entirely from 1 January 2014. Prohibition of PV on the ground more than 1 MW. 30% cut retroactive to the incentives for wind power. This is not to forget other disincentives to saving energy in the final decided financial, spread over 10 years. The consequence of the extension is one thousand 7,000 jobs up in smoke today and up to one hundred thousand in the decade. The loss of jobs is only part of the budget of the pronuclear movement desired by the "Minister for the underdevelopment" Paolo Romani just to move the reduced incentive of the Italian budget from renewables to nuclear. While Germany has tripled in France is the incentives and through fields in which living wind turbines, solar panels and nuclear power plants in Italy there seems to be room for both the government and choose to attack each other for support, which does not correspond to the case with powers interests and very strong.
Here we are so to the point: those overpaid propagandists of nuclear power, ready to deny the evidence even Japanese, are welded with fragments of environmental fundamentalism against the ugly (sic), wind and solar energy. "Eye hath not see, the heart does not cause pain" for many civic committees for which seem more abstract and less hazardous nuclearists colossal interests rather than the small business that is making a bit 'well-being to small and medium enterprises and agricultural technology is following the virtuous German example. Nimby (not in my back yard, not in my backyard) seems a maxim which in Italian translates to that the grass should not be cleaner. In their back yard do not want nothing, neither clean nor dirty.
Even for some is an opportunity to reject the wind that we have dabbled with the PDL scandals among others, the Sardinian Ugo Cappellacci president and the coordinator Denis Verdini. But in refusing to wind and solar express an unreasonable conception of a landscape inert and unchangeable. Maybe they'll say "neither nor" civic committees of those anti-Taliban and anti-solar wind sprung up 'everywhere leave Italy even further back than they want the same nuclear and finally aborted by the hope of following the European directives and get within the decade to 20% renewable.
However, just the drama that is Japanese manifesting before our eyes may be an opportunity for reflection and redemption for those who think that there is no alternative to renewable and is not necessary to be careful and get some light on the nuclear issue. On June 12 there will be a referendum. Since yesterday we have a very important reason to convince many people around us not to miss, as it wants the government, for the umpteenth time a quorum.
Gennaro Carotenuto on http://www.gennarocarotenuto.it
of Gennaro Carotenuto . Source: genarocarotenuto
Quell'editoriale Giannino screamed the front page, those words and rancorous opinionated (but also cowardly and stupid even in their skirt the issue about radioactive leaks since yesterday publicly admitted by the Japanese government), show not only the poor prudence (and intellectual honesty) Giannino, but evidence of its role as a pawn on the chessboard of propaganda created by nuclearists Chicco Testa (Comrade Chicco Testa, sic, who built his career with the Bureau of Legambiente and that was for two terms of the parliamentary communist). This is the one who, in addition to having developed a successful recent campaign-nucleus (the Italian Nuclear Forum, with its game of chess) and to hold the purse strings of propaganda nuclear, has publicly threatened to "smash the face" to the geologist Mario Tozzi just for daring to reveal the enormous economic interests and the cost benefits teetering behind the return to the Italian nuclear.
So they make a claim, impeccable in their double-breasted, these alleged experts sent in haste to represent the interests each nuclear radio and TV that is dedicated to the tragedy at this time in Japan. They were there, reassuring in their stately appearance, with both hands to spread confidence despite the increasingly alarming news. Not only can not reassure us by denying the obvious but those double-breasted are denounced as a threat not so much and not only for safety and for the development of this country. In fact they are the real polluters of our time such as those alleged scientists paid by the government of $ 5,000 to George Bush in opposition to the article to other studies on climate change pseudostudi them rebuts flooding the media with lies to confuse public opinion by denying the obvious.
In Italy it is these days, past the fourth floor in the mass media, the victory of nuclear decree in one thousand extensions have dealt a mortal blow to the solar and wind energy. E 'was almost a coup that is good to remember the words: Stop the Energy Bill incentives for PV once you reach the roof (near) fixed. The same Energy Bill repealed entirely from 1 January 2014. Prohibition of PV on the ground more than 1 MW. 30% cut retroactive to the incentives for wind power. This is not to forget other disincentives to saving energy in the final decided financial, spread over 10 years. The consequence of the extension is one thousand 7,000 jobs up in smoke today and up to one hundred thousand in the decade. The loss of jobs is only part of the budget of the pronuclear movement desired by the "Minister for the underdevelopment" Paolo Romani just to move the reduced incentive of the Italian budget from renewables to nuclear. While Germany has tripled in France is the incentives and through fields in which living wind turbines, solar panels and nuclear power plants in Italy there seems to be room for both the government and choose to attack each other for support, which does not correspond to the case with powers interests and very strong.
Here we are so to the point: those overpaid propagandists of nuclear power, ready to deny the evidence even Japanese, are welded with fragments of environmental fundamentalism against the ugly (sic), wind and solar energy. "Eye hath not see, the heart does not cause pain" for many civic committees for which seem more abstract and less hazardous nuclearists colossal interests rather than the small business that is making a bit 'well-being to small and medium enterprises and agricultural technology is following the virtuous German example. Nimby (not in my back yard, not in my backyard) seems a maxim which in Italian translates to that the grass should not be cleaner. In their back yard do not want nothing, neither clean nor dirty.
Even for some is an opportunity to reject the wind that we have dabbled with the PDL scandals among others, the Sardinian Ugo Cappellacci president and the coordinator Denis Verdini. But in refusing to wind and solar express an unreasonable conception of a landscape inert and unchangeable. Maybe they'll say "neither nor" civic committees of those anti-Taliban and anti-solar wind sprung up 'everywhere leave Italy even further back than they want the same nuclear and finally aborted by the hope of following the European directives and get within the decade to 20% renewable.
However, just the drama that is Japanese manifesting before our eyes may be an opportunity for reflection and redemption for those who think that there is no alternative to renewable and is not necessary to be careful and get some light on the nuclear issue. On June 12 there will be a referendum. Since yesterday we have a very important reason to convince many people around us not to miss, as it wants the government, for the umpteenth time a quorum.
Gennaro Carotenuto on http://www.gennarocarotenuto.it
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