The decision was taken by the European Commission and announced today by EU Commissioner for Environment Janez Potocnik. Finally not only the GDP to determine the health status of a country Vittorio Bonanni last Sunday on "Liberation", in an insert that we have dedicated to the production of goods and waste associated with it, Massimo Scalia, environmental history, the stigmatized Marxist thought, guilty that he never created the parameters for measuring the state of things from an environmental note.
for prioritizing the various parameters of an economic or social. It must be said that This approach is typical of all Western economic culture. Moreover with the arrival of liberalism also hope to introduce new parameters to study the health of society has gone to hell.
The European Commission's decision to go to work to develop a useful index to measure the pressure of human activities and a reference table on sustainable development is therefore greeted positively.
The news was announced by EU Environment Commissioner, Janez Potocnik, at a conference organized by Eurostat, the European statistical office, in Brussels. "Focusing on the measurement of growth green and energy resources - Potocnik said - we keep our goals: more wealth, quality of life and wellbeing of our citizens, preserving the natural capital of the planet. "
"These measures - said the EU Commissioner for the Environment - is a crucial part of the work agenda than the GDP of the European Commission, I am coordinating with his colleague Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn" . As you know the combination of the GDP and economic growth have become a sort of gospel to measure the welfare of countries, instead of forgetting parameters equally if not more important. According to Potocnik "facts and figures are vital, both to design and evaluate policies, both discussion and communication. The indices are very useful when we need to evaluate complex issues such as pressures on our environment, resource use and biodiversity. " According to figures of the UN Environment Programme, in the twentieth century the world population has quadrupled, economic profit increased by 40 times, the water consumption by 9 times and 35 times that of fish. The use of fossil fuels has increased 16-fold and CO2 emissions by 17 times. "The biggest challenge we face in this century - said EU Environment Commissioner - is essentially this: how we can live and prosper together on this Earth, with the limits of what can only provide a Planet? "What finally starting to find this question even citizenship within the European institutions there seems no doubt good news. We now look forward to everything that is followed up by appropriate policies, the facts in short. And as soon as possible.
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