Source: controlacrisi
Eventually they succeeded, and we were circled his thumbs between primary, fake government crisis, early elections and the sciopericchi europadroni worked in silence. Governments center-left and center right parties have reached a compromise which in fact represents the end of social Europe, it is a real coup that subtracts money to speak their own economic sovereignty in the name of the supremacy of the market. This is not just an attack on the world of work but to democracy itself, that also devastated our constitution to be amended to reflect the policy of compliance with the Stability Pact. On March 24 we will vote the entire package. It 's the biggest attack on the world of work ever seen in Europe after fascism. Should react, we do not allow these thieves to take away the future!
Source: controlacrisi
Eventually they succeeded, and we were circled his thumbs between primary, fake government crisis, early elections and the sciopericchi europadroni worked in silence. Governments center-left and center right parties have reached a compromise which in fact represents the end of social Europe, it is a real coup that subtracts money to speak their own economic sovereignty in the name of the supremacy of the market. This is not just an attack on the world of work but to democracy itself, that also devastated our constitution to be amended to reflect the policy of compliance with the Stability Pact. On March 24 we will vote the entire package. It 's the biggest attack on the world of work ever seen in Europe after fascism. Should react, we do not allow these thieves to take away the future!
- Wire wage and productivity, raise the retirement age, limiting early retirement, to transpose into national law EU ties on deficits and debt, enact national standards for the resolution of banking crises. And then again, speed up the liberalization, reduce labor costs, more flexible labor market. These commitments that the countries of the euro are preparing to take the new 'Covenant for the euro, whose go-ahead is expected in the eurozone leaders' summit scheduled for tonight in Brussels. Commitments "will then be integrated into the national reform programs and stability programs to send to Brussels. "Every year - we read the draft of the Covenant - the Heads of State and Government will set common objectives" and "each head of state and government will take concrete national commitments."
The "political control" on the implementation of these commitments will be for the same leaders of the Eurozone. "Any country - continues - will retain the power to choose the specific actions needed to achieve the common objectives set." The new pact is accompanied by the anti-crisis package that the EU is preparing to launch later this month, and should serve to make "a quantum leap in the coordination of economic policies in the euro area, improve competitiveness and increase the level of convergence ' . The text then points out how 'the Member States of the EU that are not part of the euro area are invited to participate in the Covenant on a voluntary basis. "
Here are the main points of the pact drawn up by the President of the EU, Herman Van Rompuy, and that of the EU Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso.
- WAGE MODERATION. Eurozone Member States undertake to ensure "that wage developments in line with productivity." This "wage agreements and reviewing, where necessary, the indexation mechanism. But also "ensuring that wage agreements in the public sector reflects the current effort of the private sector." To measure the progress of each individual country, it "will monitor over a period of time, unit labor costs compared with developments in other euro zone countries." In addition, countries "should also pay attention to regional developments."
- INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY. Must be pursued with a "further opening up of protected areas, eliminating unjustified restrictions to professional services and retail trade sector." But also through "specific efforts to improve education, promote research, innovation and infrastructure."
- COST REDUCTION WORK. In order to stimulate the recovery of employment, the pact indicates the need to promote 'flexicurity in the labor market, reduce the black economy and "reduce the tax on labor to make work, keeping the overall tax revenue receipts."
- SUSTAINABLE PENSION. To strengthen public finances, each country is committed to ensuring "the sustainability of pensions, health care and social benefits. " In particular, it is necessary to "align the performance of the pension system to the national demographic situation, such as aligning the effective retirement age to life expectancy ',' limit early retirement schemes" and "use targeted incentives to employ older workers (over 55 years).
- DEFICIT CONSTRAINTS IN LAW. Member States undertake to "transpose into national legislation of EU budget rules laid down in the Stability and Growth." Each country will decide which specific legislative instrument used (Germany proposed the Constitution).
- RULES anticrack. In order to ensure financial stability, each country will have to 'introduce national legislation to resolve the crisis in the banking sector. " They will also be carried out "regular and rigorous stress testing of banks." It will be especially "closely monitored for each Member State the level of private debt of banks, households and non-financial enterprises.
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