Source: controlacrisi
They discussed until a late hour of our rulers. Greece and Ireland have in fact tried to loosen the noose dell'austerity, delaying the debate which ended with a beaming Merkel who actually takes home almost all the objectives that had been in charge. If it is true that the fund was saved is increased in terms of resources and opportunity to buy securities of distressed countries which makes your mouth turn up public opinion in Germany is also true that this will always return for more efforts on compared to fiscal consolidation (model Greece).
remains to be defined in detail the crackdown on public debt and the degree of automatic sanctions for countries just virtuous, but the biggest step is now faqtto. Debt in excess (above 60% of GDP) will be cut by one-twentieth year over three years, which means that in Italy made two accounts you will define the financial blood and tears is an understatement. Berlusconi tried to throw the ball poisoned the social massacre in the future, will not be clear until March 24 (final day of the vote between the heads of state) if it will have three years from the entry into force of the reform of the Pact, or if there will be a transitional period of three years, with cuts that will start only from 2015.
The Italian request to consider the other 'relevant factors that determine the financial situation of a country (from the private debt of households and firms performance spending on pensions, the exposure of banks) is accepted, but must be precise, the public debt remains a major factor in assessing the soundness of a country, although other factors come into play as major elements Accessories. Another account was instead - as originally claimed by Italy earlier this year - if it were passed as the main criterion that the aggregate debt (public debt more private debt). That this criterion would have seen our country among the best offered in Europe after Germany.
Governments have committed themselves to set each year by the common goals, goals that individual governments on a national basis will implement the national plan for reform and stability in the program to be sent to Brussels. And 'in fact a transfer of sovereignty to expropriate the economic sovereignty of national parliaments, making them mere spectators of supranational decision taken in other areas. Among the objectives stated wage moderation, the adjustment of the retirement age to actual life expectancy (67 years throughout Europe as Germany says), the introduction of the European budget constraints in national law (Germany Calls this is included in the constitutional texts, which if applied in Italy would disrupt the entire system of our founding paper). Also among the targets is cited cutting labor costs.
PIGS. Given the difficulties still faced by Athens it was decided to cut one hundred basis points from the interest rate on state aid, taking it from 5.8% to 4.8%, and lengthen the repayment of loans to seven and a half years. No concessions, however, Ireland, or on interest rates, nor on the timing of reimbursement, or the preferential tax regime for businesses. European leaders then great satisfaction the decision of Portugal (Socialist government) to enact new measures of austerity. So you try to remove the possibility of a rescue plan for Lisbon, in the last days back in the crosshairs of the market with Spain.
SUD - the only news that seems positive is the fact that Tremonti has been able to get a plan for tax relief for regions of the south, a small thing as the social massacre just approved.
These are the news from the front against us, while almost nothing is moving on our side of the fence. Just yesterday, the procession of grassroots unions have protested against the pact of the euro, and Paolo Ferrero wrote an editorial published today on the release in which it stated that defending the Constitution means to oppose the pact for the Euro which provides (at least so Germany wants to) change its policy of taking over control of expenditure.
On March 24 and April 9 European trade union confederation has called demonstrations in Brussels and Budapest, but nothing more. Faced with an attack of this size should respond to the challenge as we were taught fellow Greeks at the national level, and must immediately begin working to ask for a general strike in Europe. The riots and revolutions of the southern Mediterranean have made us realize that we can and should dare, we must equip ourselves to support this unprecedented attack on our future and our children. The date of the general strike of May 6 of the CGIL in this context is important because it is a test to see if we can dare and make it clear that the subversion of the ruling classes find bread for his teeth in the streets and in workplaces. 4 hours proclaimed the chickens are funny, and well have many categories to make it 8 hours. The call to convene the event we need to rewrite from the bottom, because Berlusconi and Marchionni, are enemies of democracy and human rights workers as much as it is Europe.
The class struggle, the general strike, are common assets earned by workers throughout history, riprendiamoli in hand and do harm to the owners, we have invented for this.
They discussed until a late hour of our rulers. Greece and Ireland have in fact tried to loosen the noose dell'austerity, delaying the debate which ended with a beaming Merkel who actually takes home almost all the objectives that had been in charge. If it is true that the fund was saved is increased in terms of resources and opportunity to buy securities of distressed countries which makes your mouth turn up public opinion in Germany is also true that this will always return for more efforts on compared to fiscal consolidation (model Greece).
remains to be defined in detail the crackdown on public debt and the degree of automatic sanctions for countries just virtuous, but the biggest step is now faqtto. Debt in excess (above 60% of GDP) will be cut by one-twentieth year over three years, which means that in Italy made two accounts you will define the financial blood and tears is an understatement. Berlusconi tried to throw the ball poisoned the social massacre in the future, will not be clear until March 24 (final day of the vote between the heads of state) if it will have three years from the entry into force of the reform of the Pact, or if there will be a transitional period of three years, with cuts that will start only from 2015.
The Italian request to consider the other 'relevant factors that determine the financial situation of a country (from the private debt of households and firms performance spending on pensions, the exposure of banks) is accepted, but must be precise, the public debt remains a major factor in assessing the soundness of a country, although other factors come into play as major elements Accessories. Another account was instead - as originally claimed by Italy earlier this year - if it were passed as the main criterion that the aggregate debt (public debt more private debt). That this criterion would have seen our country among the best offered in Europe after Germany.
Governments have committed themselves to set each year by the common goals, goals that individual governments on a national basis will implement the national plan for reform and stability in the program to be sent to Brussels. And 'in fact a transfer of sovereignty to expropriate the economic sovereignty of national parliaments, making them mere spectators of supranational decision taken in other areas. Among the objectives stated wage moderation, the adjustment of the retirement age to actual life expectancy (67 years throughout Europe as Germany says), the introduction of the European budget constraints in national law (Germany Calls this is included in the constitutional texts, which if applied in Italy would disrupt the entire system of our founding paper). Also among the targets is cited cutting labor costs.
PIGS. Given the difficulties still faced by Athens it was decided to cut one hundred basis points from the interest rate on state aid, taking it from 5.8% to 4.8%, and lengthen the repayment of loans to seven and a half years. No concessions, however, Ireland, or on interest rates, nor on the timing of reimbursement, or the preferential tax regime for businesses. European leaders then great satisfaction the decision of Portugal (Socialist government) to enact new measures of austerity. So you try to remove the possibility of a rescue plan for Lisbon, in the last days back in the crosshairs of the market with Spain.
SUD - the only news that seems positive is the fact that Tremonti has been able to get a plan for tax relief for regions of the south, a small thing as the social massacre just approved.
These are the news from the front against us, while almost nothing is moving on our side of the fence. Just yesterday, the procession of grassroots unions have protested against the pact of the euro, and Paolo Ferrero wrote an editorial published today on the release in which it stated that defending the Constitution means to oppose the pact for the Euro which provides (at least so Germany wants to) change its policy of taking over control of expenditure.
On March 24 and April 9 European trade union confederation has called demonstrations in Brussels and Budapest, but nothing more. Faced with an attack of this size should respond to the challenge as we were taught fellow Greeks at the national level, and must immediately begin working to ask for a general strike in Europe. The riots and revolutions of the southern Mediterranean have made us realize that we can and should dare, we must equip ourselves to support this unprecedented attack on our future and our children. The date of the general strike of May 6 of the CGIL in this context is important because it is a test to see if we can dare and make it clear that the subversion of the ruling classes find bread for his teeth in the streets and in workplaces. 4 hours proclaimed the chickens are funny, and well have many categories to make it 8 hours. The call to convene the event we need to rewrite from the bottom, because Berlusconi and Marchionni, are enemies of democracy and human rights workers as much as it is Europe.
The class struggle, the general strike, are common assets earned by workers throughout history, riprendiamoli in hand and do harm to the owners, we have invented for this.
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