Contrary to what the guys in power would love you to believe him, so give up your pension, cut your wages, and adequate to life of the bis-great-grandparents, America is not bankrupt. The country is awash in wealth and cash. It 's just not in your hands. I am far away. They were moved, in the biggest robbery in history, workers and consumers, banks and portfolios of the super-rich. Today
400 Americans alone have the same wealth of half of all Americans combined. Let me say it again. Four hundred people obscenely rich, most of those who have benefited in one way or another of the "rescue" by many trillions of taxpayer dollars in 2008, have the same money, the same actions and properties of 155 million Americans put together. If you can not do get to call it a financial coup d'etat, simply are not honest about what you know that your heart tells you is true.
And I can understand why. For us admit that we have allowed a small group of people into hiding to give themselves buying up the mass of wealth that fuels our economy, it would mean that we should accept the humiliating knowledge that we have truly delivered our precious democracy moneyed elite.
This republic now manages the Wall Street banks to 500 [listed in the magazine's richest] Fortune and until last month the rest of us felt totally helpless, unable to find a way to do something about it.
I have no more than a high school diploma. But when I was at school all the students had to attend a semester of economics in order to graduate. And here's what I learned: money does not grow on trees. Grow when things are produced. They grow when you have a good job with good wages that can be used to buy things that we need and create more work. They grow when we have an exceptional educational system, which then grow a new generation of inventors, entrepreneurs, artists, scientists and thinkers who come up with the next big idea for the planet. And that creates new ideas that create new jobs and revenue for the state.
But if those who have money do not pay their fair share of taxes, the state can not function. Schools are not able to produce the best and the brightest will continue to create those jobs. If the rich can keep most of their money, we have seen that it will: play recklessly gambling on mad schemes of Wall Street and destroy our economy. The disaster that produced it costs millions of jobs. This in turn causes a reduction in tax revenue. All end up suffering because of what they did the rich.
The nation is broke, my friends. Wisconsin is not bankrupt. To say that our country is bankrupt means repeat the big lie. And 'one of the three biggest lies of the decade:
1) America is bankrupt,
2) Iraq has weapons of mass destruction and
3) the Packers can not win the Super Bowl without Brett Faber. The truth is that there is a lot of money to put around. A lot. And only that those in government have diverted that money into a deep well that is well protected in their property. They know they have committed crimes to make this happen and know that someday you might like to see some 'of the money that normally were yours. So they bought and paid hundreds of politicians around the country because they carry out their orders. But just in case it does not work, have reinforced their communities, and always with the luxury jet full of fuel and the engine running, waiting for the day they hope never comes. To avoid the day when people will demand to get his country, the rich have made two things very clever:
1. Control the message. As owners of the media have convinced experts, many Americans of scarce resources to buy their version of the American dream and vote for their politicians. Their version of the Dream says that you too will be rich one day, this is America, where everything is possible only if there is a commitment! We have provided convenient credible examples to show how a poor boy can become a rich man's son as a single mother from Hawaii can become president, like a guy with a high school diploma can become a successful director. We tell these stories continually throughout the day so the last thing you want is to mess things up, because you - yes, you too! - You may one day become rich / President / winning an Oscar!
The message is clear: Keep your head down, toil, do not stir things up and make sure to vote for the party that protects the rich of whom you will one day join. 2. They invented a poison pill that they know that you will never swallow. And 'their version of mutual assured destruction. And when they threatened to detonate the weapon of mass economic destruction in September 2008, we were stupefied. With the economy and the stock market and banks tightening surprises to continue a chain letter ['Ponzi scheme' original - ndt], Wall Street has made this threat: either you give us trillions of dollars of American taxpayers or the economy raderemo ground. Dropped or say goodbye to savings deposits. Farewell to pensions. Farewell to the U.S. Treasury. Farewell to jobs and homes and the future. It was something fucking horrible and scared everyone to death. "Behold! Take our money! We do not care. It will print more for you! Only, take them! But please let it be our lives, PLEASE! "
leaders in the rooms of the boards and hedge funds could not keep from laughing, cheerful look, and within three months they were already writing one another huge bonus checks wonder how perfect they were able to fool a nation full of suckers. Millions have lost their jobs anyway, and millions have lost their homes. But there have not been addressed (see point 1 above).
far. Wisconsin will be on stage! The people of Michigan have never been so happy like now to share with you a huge lake! You have awakened the sleeping giant known in the United States of America as the people who work. Right now the earth trembles and escapes under the feet of those in power.
Your message has inspired people in 50 states and the message is: We have had enough! We reject anyone tell us that America is bankrupt and broke. It 'just the opposite! We are rich in talent and ideas and ability to work hard and, yes, love. Love and compassion towards those who through no fault of their own, ended up to be the least of us. But still yearn for what we all yearn for: get back our country! Back our democracy! Our good name! The United States of America. NOT the state of affairs in America! The United States of America!
So how do for this to happen? Well, we do a bit 'of Egypt here and a bit' of Madison there. And we pause for a moment and remember that it was poor with a feast of fruits in Tunisia who gave his life so that the world could focus its attention on how a government run by billionaires for billionaires is an affront to liberty and morality and humanity. Thank you Wisconsin! You have ensured that the people realized that our last best chance to grab the last shred of what is left of what we were as Americans. For three weeks you've been cold, you sleep on the floor, your left town for Illinois; whatever was needed, you did, and one thing is certain: Madison is just the beginning.
The rich have forced too self-satisfied hand. They could not simply be happy with the money they had robbed the Treasury. They could not be satisfied simply by deleting millions of jobs abroad in order to exploit the poor elsewhere. No, they had to tear our dignity. They had to shut up and shut ourselves up so that we could not even sit at a table and negotiate with them on things as simple as the size of school classes or flak jackets to anyone in the police or allow a driver to take a couple of extra hours of sleep so you can do the job, a job for $ 19,000 a year [less than 14,000 Euro - translator's note]. This is because some recruits take on the lines of commuters, perhaps the pilot just assumed that brought me here today in Madison. He told me he has stopped hoping for a pay raise. All he asks at the moment is to have enough time on the ground to avoid having to sleep in the car shift changes in O'Hare airport.
This is how despicable we have fallen down! The rich could not be content to pay this person $ 19,000 per year. They were deprived of sleep. They had to dehumanize and belittle and rub his face in it. After all, just another slacker, right? And that, my friends, is the fatal flaw of American Affairs. But trying to destroy us have created a movement, a movement which is becoming a massive, non-violent uprising across the country. We all knew that there would be a breaking point and that point someday depend on us. Many in the media do not understand. They say they were taken by surprise by Egypt, had not seen it arrive.
Now I'm surprised and bewildered as to the reason why in so many hundreds of thousands came to Madison in the past three weeks with a brutal winter weather. "Because if they are all out in the cold?" I mean, there was quell'elezione in November [U.S. Senate - translator] and it was supposed to be over there! "Something is happening here, and you do not know what it is, right? "
America is not bankrupt! The only thing that is broken is the moral compass of the rulers. And we aim to fix that compass and pilot the ship alone. Never forget that, until that holds our Constitution, it is one vote per person and this is what rich people hate America more, because even if they seem to have all the money and all the trump cards, are reluctantly aware of this fact: we are more of them! Madison, not backward. We are with you. We will win together.
SOURCE: http://www.znetitaly.org/
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