Wednesday, March 16, 2011
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March 17, 2011
UTOPIA ostrich
The "market" consumption and "progress" unlimited are great for large animals, but for us ordinary death humans. 'It's always been so. " Yes, but here goes wrong
"No emotion! Force, nuclear. "
would be easy to argue with our Lord and our government Confindustria, while the Germans are closing plants and the Japanese are desperate to save his own skin, but can not say "It 's something wrong?".
Easy, but basically unfair. Why the horrible brutality of our ruling class, the most inhumane and the most ignorant that this unfortunate country has ever had, leverages our dream, our unspoken but thoroughly convinced utopia that we can go on so quietly, making more and more nature beating whoever receives less happy and belching in an after-lunch increasingly sour.
Not so. Japan, more civil and Technology of us, had survived two thousand years of earthquakes and tsunami and is now crack simply because (despite its ancient culture branded as "old" and "outdated") trial was put to building nuclear power plants in the midst of seismic faults. Modern, "safe" feature (except the one kept in service due to pressure from politicians) of the best available technology. And they are blown into the air.
For the same reason that it breaks a vase in a room where you play football, for simple statistic: sooner or later.
And why, if they knew, were not organized? For easy removal of mind, like an ostrich: to eliminate the danger was not enough to "make safe" the central (or put the pot a bit 'above), must be abolished altogether ("Children, in this room is not playing ball ").
But this would have meant a little trains 'slower, cars a bit' less big, and so on ("Ahhh ... poor mom! We want to play!"). The people, not just the politicians, would not have accepted. The same people who now is intent to ration water and bury the dead.
"Japan is far away." No, Japan is here. Meanwhile, because a year from now we will probably be more careful the water we drink, we eat all'insalata and so on (and already there was to be careful before). Then
because the economic crisis (the economy is global) will be tremendous and the pay, even here, we ordinary citizens.
And because the Japanese model (with much more rudeness and schemer, and Italian) is exactly ours, we live in: buy more toys, caring nature, clubbed the poor, to quell rumors and protests scared the barrel ( "What I have done?") of our children. Illusion that functions that go on.
Utopia of ostrich heads in the sand, butt in air, convinced that the danger is far away and all is well.
do not need a "policy shift" (of course you need, and immediately, but not enough). It takes just a change of system. Socialism, Buddhism, Emperor Ming? And what I know: I I just want to save my skin, and I want to be pissed on my grave with my nephew - and if you survive if there are still some graves.
I want to change a lot, and not just the surface, and also fast. My life, and that of my grandson, can not remain at the mercy of crazy politicians, earthquakes, cynical and multinational economies out of control. For earthquakes, we can not do anything. But otherwise, yes, and we must hurry because time is short.
What strange news (read twenty years ago) and yet very normal (now) in the newspapers. Tragedy at sea, 40 migrants drowned. " But because they had a safer ship? Why not take the ferry? Ah: it is now prohibited.
"He is winning Gaddafi. The Saudi king sends soldiers into the crowd. " But democracy was not coming there too? But we were not all happy about this? Ah but the oil we gave him to the Saudi king and Gadhafi, and then after all we are supporting them.
"Fiat workers. Do not talk about it anymore. " But it was the largest Italian industry? Really let it end up abroad as well? And all 'sti workers, and your children, really need to split the soul all his life so, to work in the barracks, with no rights? Ah: the modern management, is the new world. * * *
Good news? We do those too, but only if you do not need (in the sand) to reassure you but to wake up a bit '. Available now makes its meeting on 19 to power, the national convention from all over the country. Who can get us going: it is a bit 'Free to be a bit dull' in here, but it is the largest mafia organization, our - for our anti-mafia - "union" slander, then, but let it become more and more strong and take it forward, which is in there Iun bit of all of us.
The other union, the CGIL, calls us instead to rally for May 6, the general strike. It will be a very important day, probably, for better or for worse, the day of turning point. This is also mafia, and we hope that he understands the CGIL. Comprendiamolo us for the time being, with the experience we have, deeply.
From games of politicians - mostly in good faith - do not expect anything. It's not that they want, is that they are simply on another planet. From crazy Berlusconi astute Fassino, the generous Vendola the Machiavellian Fini, no one has ever stayed at the station, nor knows how much a can of tuna. We do.
We are not the people. We the people, some of it absolute minimum. With all the suffering, but without illusions, everyday humanity of the country. This is why "we do politics," in our own way and seriously, and we well.
should abolish the mafia. We must change the system. You have to think to live differently, with fewer toys but happier. We must think of my nephew and all other Lorenzi, for now, human life is difficult and not necessary to add more pain. And you strength, smile, my friend: adispetto of all, once again, as the nature or the god they built, soon it is spring. Aggrappiamoci in this struggle to defend and continue to do so.
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Source: f uocoedizioni
The end of the Cold War provoked a wave of optimism as to cause someone to proclaim the "end of history." Subsequent events - the explosion of Yugoslavia to the Russian-Georgian conflict, the September 11 "war on terror", new tensions between Russia and the U.S. financial crisis - have shown a reality certainly not paradise.
The story is still ongoing, and today as in the past is also history of conflict and hostility. In view of the globalized XXI century is taking place among the great challenge total potenze.Sfida because that geopolitics is a zero-sum game: if someone in the hierarchy of power, someone else must scendere.Totale today because most states do not face each other only with diplomacy and war, but also rely on the economy, finance, culture, ideology, and their clash is no longer confined within certain areas, but grows on a global scale.
This book reminds us how, in a world where everything seems to have changed and evolved, some things remain the same. This is the case of constant geopolitical, beyond all the propaganda and rhetoric, continue to determine and explain the struggle between the great powers.
The total challenge us to walk in history and the world in order to describe what is happening today and what will happen tomorrow. We discover the greater geopolitical theories of the past and present, the strategies of major powers, the international macrodynamics, up to perhaps glimpse a better future for today, but not without scary and unknown threats.
Pages 186, Size 14cm x 20.6 cm ISBN 9-788890-465826 Contents: Foreword, Introduction, Chapter 1 - Earth against the Sea, Chapter 2 - Attack on the Heart of the Earth, Chapter 3 - idealism against realism, Cap . 4 - The Bear gets up, Chapter 5 - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Chapter 6 - The rogue state and the little Satan, Chapter 7 - The Awakening of America Indiolatina, Scalea Epilogo.Daniele degree in Historical Sciences at the University of Milan with a thesis on foreign policy italiana.Dal 2004 is in the editorial department of geopolitical studies "Eurasia" and his articles have appeared in "Rebirth", "Balance", "free pages", "FonDSK" and numerous other sites Internet.Per "Eurasia" has carried out several interviews, among others, Noam Chomsky, Alexander Dugin, Igor and Vladimir Panarin Jakunin.La Total Challenge is his first book.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
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In 1989 Indianapolis 500 shocked the world of racing games. The three-dimensional graphics, fast and rich touches of class and the best physics engine thus far showed that the way every game should have been followed to bear the appellation of driving simulator. Unfortunately, the technological magnificence of the title was clouded in part by the lack of variety: despite the different levels of difficulty, the ability to perform a careful s ETUP evergreen in their vehicles and want to compete, running on the oval 's Indianapolis Motor Speedway is soon bored. Fortunately, once again Electronic Arts, this time in pairs with DSI ( Test Drive, Test Drive 2 , 4D Sports Driving , just to name a few), puts forward a new mortgage a piece of excellent quality. Are you ready to take up the challenge?

Mario Andretti was born in Motovun, under the flag of the Kingdom of Italy (he was amazing to say !!!), February 28, 1940. In 1948, with the passage Istria to Yugoslavia, the young Mario moved to a refugee camp in Lucca before emigrating in 1955, the United States. In 1964 he obtained U.S. citizenship and began to compete in smaller car classes. And 'This is the beginning of a glittering career spanning more than thirty years Mr. Andretti will become a myth for fans of the automotive world. Career that led him to run in virtually every specialty of the four wheels, including "our local" Formula 1, where in 1977, aboard the 78- Lotus Crosworth , nothing less than triumphant sull'autodromo Monza. A witness to the extraordinary longevity of Andretti racing will remember that in 1991 shared the podium of the Grand Prix of Milwaukee with son Michael and grandson John (son of brother). A
so incredible career certainly could not pass unnoticed the gaming industry, Always attentive to grab licenses can increase sales (can be cut even the solemn sun, but fortunately this is not the case).
Mario Andretti's Racing Challenge title is a monumental, for the times, which allows players to compete in six different categories:
- Sprint Carts : the equivalent of go-kart for pilots overseas, each sample is self-respecting party started racing (and drifting!) on this jalopy
- Modifieds : The second step toward the career professionstica; series machines modified structure and motor
- Stock Cars: The legendary cars of the federation that NASCAR gave to the many joys of guitar gamers
- Prototypes : the fascinating category of 24 hours of Le Mans ; always been a testing ground for big brands such as Porsche , Nissan , Jaguar and Toyota . Mythical 70s challenges by Ford and Ferrari Formula 1
- : the formula for better or worse the whole world know with its merits and its flaws
- Indy Cars : the American response to Formula One, the "simplicity" of the circus, mostly oval, making the race extremely interesting thanks to the many passes and spectacular accidents with cars flying around like leaves in the wind

Although the game allows players to become familiar from the start with all available categories, the main mode, very innovative for its time, is that "career" that allows you to revive the fortunes of Andretti step by step, starting from the minor leagues until to the glories of the Formula Indy . The career begins, appropriately, by looking for a sponsor that will reward your "alleged" talent with a total of 20,000 bucks, which, incidentally, is precisely the cost of a Sprint Car . Purchased the "fireball" do nothing but throw on the first circuit for accaparrasi points at the end of the championship will be converted to cash, cash needed to buy a new means by which compete in the next category and so on up to conquer the most prestigious title .
The structure of each race is more or less the same for each series: status (alone or with other competitors on the track), any consolation race, if you do not qualify in the top three, and the race itself, after which will be awarded enough points to move up the ladder. The length of qualifications is five laps while the races varies from ten to thirty steps.
circuits are a total of twelve and include both classic runs nearly oval racing of traditional American ( Ascot Park, Indianapolis and Daytona ) is the most challenging of the Formula One circus as Monaco, Silverstone (old style) and Hockenhaim . Of course some tracks are only accessible by appropriate means, for example Ascot Park and Indianapolis Fairground that being excavated can be driven only on board Sprint Carts .

Graphically the title is very attractive thanks to a better graphics engine fast and full of details (such as the clouds of dust raised by Sprint carts on dirt roads or parts of the car flying around in case of impact). The polygon engine is perhaps less rich than that of Indianapolis 500, especially in the details on the track, but it's a small price to pay for having a large number of circuits available. Also excellent animations interlude showing team of mechanics to tinker with intent on the means of making final note. Always one phase of the race and the other come the valuable advice that good Mario showers upon us to help us have the edge over their opponents. The
standard VGA and EGA video are supported, and although the best results are obtained, of course, with greater color depth, even at sixteen colors the game is beautiful to see. There are three levels of detail can be selected to fit the graphics engine to the power of your PC. Assuming that most of you use the DosBox , set the details up to go and serene ... at least I'm the problem we are uplifted : O)

The best accompaniment is provided by the legendary sound Ad Lib synthesizer that gives thanks to its good music and sound effects convincing (apart from the screeching of tires that hate it in thirty seconds!). If you want to hurt you select the PC speaker while to get the most out of music you own a Roland MT-32 (although in this genre is not giving the best).
To control your vehicle joystick and keyboard properly perform their duties ... you choose what you prefer.

Before leaving the inevitable movie you point out the excellent replay system that will allow you to see your achievements from various angles ... very stylish!!
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A question hovers for restless minds of Europe who think of politics as a lever to the freedom of peoples and government of the world. For such reasons, neoliberalism, the overwhelming capitalist initiative, started in '80 in the UK and USA, and became one planetary thinking, it is still so alive and dominant in almost all states?
So what? Com 'is that this general inoccultabile defeat in the economic field is not paid a defeat of the political arena? We are not so as not to understand the mechanistic diversity of the plans being compared is the time difference of the phenomena that move in two different social spheres. But the question arises.
I think the first answer lies in this result paradoxical ending its cycle in the financial-economic collapse, neoliberalism has been able to capitalize on two outcomes politicivantaggiosi. The crisis has in fact made two serious acute scarcity: scarcity of labor and the lack of security. The latter in part related to the first. These shortages pose the working class and popular in a state of serious imbalance of power relations and provide the dominant classes of force and matter of ideological manipulation that can overshadow the economic losses incurred. As always, needs and fears are now two formidable weapons of power.
But this is part of the answer. At the end of '900 has consumed a historic reversal in many ways amazing. As noted by Mario Tronti, until a few decades ago, the labor movement had an international dimension to the face confinement of a national capital. With all its limitations, all communist countries was also this: an international front. Today we are witnessing a complete reversal of the scenario. The work, which represented less and less on political and trade union side, is chained in its territory, while the capital running around the world: freedom of movement is an unprecedented political power against those who have lost their global representation. The ability to blackmail Marchionne, which can move freely between the U.S., Brazil, Poland, Serbia is in this regard, exemplary.
But perhaps the greatest political success of neoliberalism-what now makes it possible to still have the right to word was his grip on egemomica traditional parties of the left and their emptying as people's parties. We want to recall what were the slogans prevalent - without prejudice to national diversity - British Labour, the German Social Democrats, the Socialist French, Italian Communists, in all these years? Liberalization, privatization, labor flexibility, decreased social marginalization of the union, and so on. The idea is that individual freedom should lead the way as the dominant agent of a new project of society, governed by the logic of the market dynamics and winning, was the heart - all of neo-liberal brand - which replaced solidarist the old heritage and internationalism. An unconditional surrender to the reasons of the adversary, which, from a cultural point of view, is also explained by the Marxist tradition, however, industrialist and the European left.
The astral distance of these historical formations from contemporary ecological thinking, in fact, prevented them see a new horizon and cosmopolitan solidarity in the face of fiscal crisis of the welfare state in industrialized countries and the collapse of the USSR. Once all of the push for reform of the previous decades, it does not is left with no other way if they wanted to continue the promotion of economic growth, as indicated by the opponent. While between exorcism and camouflage, neoliberalism has in fact been accepted as the new frontier to follow. But today the new religion of growth, which appeared in the '80s as the 'vanguard of a new era of modernization and progress of the world, shows itself in all its paradoxical and surprising anti-historicity. It was a rearguard nineteenth century and has been mistaken for the flower bud of a new era of humanity. The economistic individualism on which it appeared fondavaè soon as the embodiment of social behavior is no longer sustainable, because the generator, among other things, the greatest threat that mankind has had before him: the depletion of resources, the collapse of the environmental balance, warming. E 'paradoxical, but rich in meaning, the fact that people's parties have not been able to seize the new horizon of cooperation and solidarity that environmental problems would return to center stage as he eclipsed those of the old socialist and communist ideologies. They have not been able to see how the discovery of a "Land over," and in danger, with the outfit of the ecological sciences, offered a new concept of society in which the common good, the public interest, is repeated in universal forms and dramatically renovated mandatory. A new ideological glue for a variety of shapes and walks of life and at the same time the introduction of a new and broader internationalism.
Today, exactly undock from the 'labor internationalism ", the legacy of the past, and the inability to understand the new, proposed by the Environmental, are of historical parties of the left of the paper boats in a storm. Without a goal to follow, no energy to face the sea. In the immediate future, however, is the absence of a weak labor internationalism more serious and dramatic. The lack of a deep reading of the trends of contemporary capitalism prevented from understanding the destruction taking place in the world of work. Does not provide the prospective eye on what the capital is preparing to the whole social work, thanks to its ability to scale movement world. Impossible to foresee the huge dissolution of social links and class to which it is increasingly vital interests. The capital, in fact, hit hard today not because there is a crisis, but for the enormous political power in the meantime, the workers won in a time of fierce competition intercapitalistica. So what to do?
I believe that if capital is mobile and global, the same may be right, the mesh of rules imposed by the struggles, politics: also, moreover, potentially universal. But as a person, for example in Italy, can move in that direction? From the PD it seems very difficult to be able to claim. Cultural disasters do not it comes up in a short time and good will of someone. From small leftist parties may be only a small contribution. Without doubt, the force that can take the initiative - and must do so urgently - is the union: the CGIL.
I think today is no longer possible to postpone a discussion on this important open-minded and courageous people and the working force, which has certainly played a vital role in defense of workers in all these difficult years. But we must now ask itself and to the managers, how it was possible that one of the most powerful unions in Europe - and perhaps the richest in terms of assets - has been able to provide such a dramatic retreat income workers. In an OECD report 2006-2007 the wages of Italian workers were 23rd in the 30 countries of the Organization. And the 'Italy in the ranking, is certainly not the least of these countries. The CGIL, has a brilliant local organization, borrowed from the French trade unionism: the Chamber of Labour. It brings together workers of different categories and performing various tasks of patronage and support. But because in all these years when the work has been crushed, often separate from the workplace, lost, the Chambers of Labour have not played a role in the restructuring of local, union and political regrouping? Why the Chambers of Labour have not extended, scattered in the neighborhoods of cities, small towns, such as new principals working in the area? It appears that the CGIL had not the resources for such initiatives. The fact is that it basically lives and also good - although not exclusively - with the money of workers and thus has moral obligations more stringent. And: how it was possible, was achieved while Europe 's € and the various EU institutions, such a glaring absence of concerted European initiative to various organizations by one of the largest unions in the continent? At the global level, finally, the political inertia is even more serious and bewildering, even if it involves all unions equally. E 'from 1919 that exists in Geneva 's International Labour Organization. (ILO) It was created 25 years before the IMF and World Bank. The 'ILO, the result of the international ambitions of that era, was to supervise the labor laws in various countries around the world. But in the last half century it has left the scene, and has triumphed in international financial institutions of Bretton Woods. And where were the unions in the meantime? Why not have been able to follow the advancing internationalization of capital? Why not have been able to do that body, now a member of the UN, a real-world power of workers? Obviously, with the strength of the opponent, is the inertia of the institution union which has played an important role. For this reason, all these failures is inevitable now turn to the CGIL a series of urgent requests and precise. It must adopt a strategy aimed at creating an international network of trade union movement. A new cosmopolitanism labor imperious knock at the door. There are, in Italy, thousands of girls and boys to 30 years have traveled the world, know more languages, practice daily international connections on the Internet. They must come a new generation of union leaders. For this reason, the CGIL would have to initiate an internal survey that redefines the duties of directors, officers, employees, change in the running for the organization and its strategies. The inertia of the past are no longer understandable or tolerable. This union can no longer live in the routine while on the job the storm strikes.
Www.amigi.org. This article was posted to the poster contemporaneamete
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Supercazzole nuclear
The interesting thing is that before you even have the faintest idea what the cloud, some well-known opinion of anything, you are immediately taken care to let us know that nothing had happened, and indeed the sixth earthquake most devastating in human history, how they then say it is not known, has shown that nuclear power is safe.
fact is the safest sources of energy, Beppe Grillo on the site he has already had a number of supercazzole Fini, Casini, Prestigiacomo, but not limited to, those memorable excellent Chicco Testa, while there is that wonderful Umberto Veronesi " nuclear plants are safe, those who are against is still an old ideological mindset that is based on wrong assumptions, "congratulations, Valerio Rossi Albertini CNR" I would feel the radioactive leaks to exclude them, in the worst case the material is contaminated by radiation , but there will be a so-called Chernobyl effect, "Paul Clement to laboratory natural hazards Aeneas' safety systems are automatically turned off, as happened in Japan, only one in this mechanism did not work correctly, ops" the Italian government's position on nuclear is still what it is, is that you can not change your mind every minute, Fabrizio Ciccio "of course, when these have never changed my mind, a socialist who was london and is now with Berlusconi, one can not change idea every minute, and was at the bottom piduista piduista fact remains is the leader of the party founded by a piduista, too bad I can not find ... ah Chicco Testa called "jackals" who speaks to the escape of radiation from nuclear power plants in Japan.
"nuclear plants have cancer, have been shown to hold question-" is a huge tragedy, we saw many chemical and gas fire, I would say that when nuclear plants have taken, they hit right, you are automatically placed in a facility security and the only problem occurs due to lack of electricity, we will see in the coming days, but I'm confident "who was inspired by this tragedy to make controversy over nuclear power is a jackal, as we are front of one of the largest earthquakes world history, that speaks volumes about the level of certain politicians "and I think that says a lot even on the level of Head of course, was an environmentalist, even nuclear, and now has become a sponsor living, a man living the nuclear sandwich, but be careful because the best is yet to come, the better I'll leave you right at the back, we're almost better, Franco Battaglia expert, so these are always qualified teachers, this is the journal page. 8 Saturday "too many lies about nuclear power plants are safe" I can imagine when Japan was hit by the earthquake of 2007, the Republic with more than a little cynicism on the front page headline "Japan earthquake, radiation leak," and then adds that even Chernobyl was a joke, "Chernobyl was not no nightmare had it not been for those who have knowingly and culpably passed for such an event, even the most unfortunate occurred in the field of electricity production, has demonstrated unequivocally the absolute security "evidence that the Chernobyl nuclear power is safe, says expert battle and then adds," we will have occasion to speak of Chernobyl "because next month marks the 25th anniversary, and imagine with what already carnival, some , will remember the victims and therefore is like a carnival, laughter to remember Chernobyl, Chernobyl because it is evidence that nuclear power is safe, says expert Franco Battaglia.
understand that before these experts are also those who do not understand anything you hear expert, because no matter how inexperienced, will always be more experienced experts! Now says, let alone with this Japan, be stressed again, the Italian media for information, insist on the alert nuclear and probably will not fail to report a fire at a building housing a turbine at the power station of Onagawa and already not fail to report this fire, it would be better not to report it, but unfortunately we know how they are made these newspapers, these media, report the fire stations. You know how
done that when people see smoke come out from a central beat it, take it from becoming this emotion, from this irrational fear induced by these accursed media or induced also by what they see, you know how simple people, but Battle would was down there, he would made a SuperPI, a supersniffata, an aerosol, the fumenti would do with the smoke of the central Onagawa, but I suppose that was to leave out a turbine of a nuclear plant does not, I hope my mistakes assumptions but you check out the nuclear reactors are designed to automatically shut down the next seismic. It provides the expert
Battle "we alas experimental evidence that nuclear reactors are not safe, but pretty sure in order to fear earthquakes "of yesterday, however, is the one which occurred after 3 days ago still in the area of \u200b\u200bintensity 10 times greater than that of L'Aquila and of which Nobody has felt the need to notify anyone who had seen the consequences, although less nuclear power plants, we could say that we have enough elements to affirm that the population density and the seismic character of our region are being generous weak arguments to support opposition to the installation of nuclear reactors in our country? Maybe so, but it does not matter, the Italian media for information - but big word that's how you call it - will not stop those arguments to propose, I am sure, the provision of Battle under the title "too many lies about nuclear power plants are safe, they will let loose in describing the catastrophic doomsday scenarios but the truth is otherwise : plants Nipponese have held up well and remain a model for the whole world "I told you I would leave at the end of this little press release the best of the best because here we are dealing with an expert that the whole world envies us, even more Bertolaso \u200b\u200btitle of "safe nuclear, is proof of 9," also appeared on Saturday 12 of The Messenger, the journal of the Calton family, working developments in the field, it is always important to know who are the publishers of these newspapers, as well as in-law of Pier Ferdinando Casini, a major sponsor of the nuclear fact he has until recently urged the government to get busy in the construction of the famous 10 or 20 or 50 plants nuclear announced by Scajola and then mysteriously missing.
expert writes, "when we were the first news of the terrible earthquake that struck the north - eastern coast of Japan, here is that the sites and the Italian agencies have begun to spread the word on the alert nuclear However, if the state acts first thing we can say is that just the terrible intensity of the phenomenon that hit on Japan gives us a new confirmation that the safety of nuclear facilities, the progress made in recent decades have been impressive, such as to hold in reality without endangering environments and populations, the impact of their terribly out of scale events, such as that occurring and as such rules are built in accordance with which nuclear power plants today. Japan has 54 nuclear power plants according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, the central covering ¼ of the electricity needs of the country how can you check regularly, Japan is a country with more and more involved in the full transparency of this happens in its facilities, because of the high seismic risk of a substantial part of its territory is crossed by fault lines of tectonic plates, oceanic and continental made its facilities by adopting anti-earthquake standards ever higher in the decades and this is true and this is why procedures which the automatic shutdown of the reactors were suddenly turned into 4 stations in the north - east affected by the earthquake epicenter ocean, two other more distant, no later than 7 minutes and the block was placed in five other more distant in any event within 20 minutes of the Japanese authorities have ordered the detention of security for a full audit of the estate of each of the plants in Central Onagawa between 4 whose detention was automatic, it was immediately extinguished a fire caused by short circuits in a turbine is not inside the cooling circuit of the fissile material and therefore no release of hazardous waste. For another station, the closest to Fukushima to Sendai, which has hit the Tsunami has been prepared, however, the evacuation of the population within two miles radius, as required by the procedures in the case etc. Up to yesterday evening the Japanese have continued to confirm the Ia that no release of dangerous radioactive material was reported. The international media have amplified in other words without much understanding of the first notice issued from Tokyo about the state of nuclear emergency proclaimed by the Tokyo government had passed an hour before the event, is a standard security procedure for earthquakes above 5 on the Richter scale intensity and here we are at an intensity 8 / 9 of energy, literally frightening as documented by the images that we all have seen, we are talking about the seventh earthquakes ever to hit the world, we have tools to detect and historical sites, yet they held power, have proved very useful elections to learned more nuclear power plant operating at the world, the Kashiwazaki power over 8 etc. ..
Experts anything
The plant held, but in that case were the violent swinging to determine the spillage of 1.2 cubic meters of water from a swimming pool etc for fuel., we can draw three preliminary conclusions.
One of the reasons why nuclear power is its cost so much security, but as you can see is money well spent, the current safety standards in Europe are as strict as those Japan and Italy but has large areas of seismic phenomena are the magnitude of Japanese "is by touching when you read these things, watch yesterday on how many sites antinuclear Italian map of Italy on the overlap areas of seismic risk and even those at risk, groped to demonstrate that nuclear power can not afford it, it's just a demonstration of gross ignorance of technology.
If you look in the newspapers this morning, three days after the expected Battle of The Messenger that now I tell you who signed etc. You'll find titles like I'm talking about Il Corriere della Sera, a newspaper in favor of the return of nuclear emergency in 4 plants, the alarm for the overheated reactor is at risk of a merger has been extended. Provided another devastating quake in the next few hours - strange because in Italy we were told that earthquakes can not predict or even prevent - Doctor we are contaminated? Among the displaced people lined up for the test, now Japan fears the fallout, 4 nuclear power stations damaged, energy is rationed, a concrete wall against the risk of China syndrome, but the battle to stop the meltdown, nuclear emergencies, etc. risks are too high. "And then there's our government" no to emotional thoughts. "
Now I tell you who's the genius who wrote such beautiful things named "safe nuclear energy is proof of 9" this man is Oscar Giannino that many of you surely know why it is very present in the television and you recognize, respect other guests talk show to wear always put on colorful fire red, green pea, the lemon yellow, bright colors, stick in hand beard, mustache, balding, glasses ... Oscar Giannino.
One who wrote something like that so resoundingly rejected in the following days, I will not say who should go away, for heaven's sake, but for a few days hiding in the hope that no one notice that he was the one writing these things " safe nuclear energy is proof of the 9 "would be recommended but in Italy you know that nobody ever pays for that Smarronando ago, the forecasts are wrong, unpacked for analysis, but we must wonder how public opinion is oriented when those who should are informed of the level of those that I have just read, because there is only information subservient to politics, to the banks, there is also information on the most subordinate techniques which are those on which the man in the street, including myself of course, is lacking of information and therefore it is clear that it is on those matters that looks for the expert to get an idea.
Fortunately, not everyone is so of course, today there is a great piece of Sergio Rizzo Il Corriere della Sera, Sergio Rizzo explained that the problem here is not to say "nuclear power is not why it happened what happened in Japan "we must be honest and say that there are no safe nuclear power plants, then a nation of masochists or thrill-seekers or people who are tired of living, can also choose to fill their country's nuclear power plants, of course, the important thing is that we do not tell the joke of safe nuclear energy, nuclear modern, as modern is safe and secure than Japan is the most modern and most secure because the Japanese know them, it is never safe because of the nature reserves of surprises, sometimes good, sometimes bad, the speaker of safe nuclear energy or are very uninformed or very concerned or very concerned that his masters are naturally plunged all of the great business of procurement of nuclear and meanwhile, says Rizzo, 24 years after the 1987 referendum, where the Italians decided "enough nuclear, all parties said no to nuclear power, apart from the small Republican Party, the same socialists who are now in government with Berlusconi and tell us that we must turn to nuclear power, were opposed to nuclear energy, along with the Hammers and the radical environmentalists proposed a referendum against nuclear power, 24 years since that referendum was never presented a national energy plan and say to Italians as we think of food in the coming years as factories, trains and refrigerators, and recalls that in the meantime we have polluted the land to oil companies fill their pockets and then we realized, maybe going to the shows of Cricket that Germany produces 70 times more solar energy in Italy, although of course Germany has much less sunny Italy and when we ventured in the field of renewable energy that are not of course the only and ultimate solution to cover the needs, but they are one of the solutions that should be taken into consideration, we have turned into fraud (see the gigantic fraud of wind) from this point of view, we are at the forefront of misinformation and contradictory nature of the conduct of our policy, while continuing to argue for nuclear, not nuclear, without telling the people that nuclear power, even if he came back in Italy, will see him again some twenty years, given that both the time taken for identify the sites, build power plants, if it was that they are money, when we will probably all over the world will be redirected to other energy sources and more modern ones, yes, much more safe or less insecure.
the natural question is: how does public opinion to form an informed opinion, when those who should help are the level that we saw earlier.
Supercazzole School
Same thing happens naturally every day on everything that we need to know and understand in order to get an idea and form an opinion, the misleading titles of newspapers, messages that come constantly in the newspapers and especially television, Giuliano Ferrara returns tonight, about misleading messages, chase and chase and has become virtually impossible to fight them all because they are too.
There is an impressive volume of fire, just think of poor Santoro who sees that some people are taking pictures inside the house, he tells these guys to leave and they go to these newspapers to complain of being civil protection, as if the Civil Protection had the task of photographing the inside of private homes, and yet the newspapers, I really liked a title simply amazing Il Corriere della Sera said "men Santoro exchanges of civil protection for photographers, but if you see one with a camera you photograph inside your property, what does it mean that the trade for a photographer? It 'obvious that if the camera is photographing and inside your home is a photographer! Or some other titles like today of course that takes a lot of nonsense spoken by Maria Stella Gelmini last night at that time, he does, "the left goes to the streets to the public school but send their children to private" I do not know if you noticed the absolute crap that is in this concept, this poor, we are talking about one that is due to go to become a lawyer to take the exam in Reggio Calabria, being evidently in anticipation of Brescia in Brescia knowing that they would not have promoted and otherwise should explain what is so merit, because you heard last night that said the 68th, enough of egalitarianism, the six political, do not know where the policy 6 of 68 in 2011, but she is convinced that there is 68 at this time in Italy, and then people do the collective degrees, gets the political etc 6. said "enough, meritocracy" was interesting that someone did of applications, particularly in its examination State Reggio Calabria, to understand what is merit in going to Calabria for a test that you should give your house in Brescia!
in Calabria to give an exam that you should give your house Brescia! icle on his state examination in Reggio Calabria, perPensate the bullshit to say that there are people who send their children to private school and then appears to the public school and you see a contradiction in this, we are talking about an absolute idiot if could be raised trains, trams, metros, there would be protests, why? Because it is simply absurd to deny public transport to people, then one says: ah, but because you posters in favor of the train if we go by car? I'm in the car because I do what I want, then I support the train, taxi, subway ... what do you mean? One only because it is not favorable to the train or bus can take the car? Rightly was timely objection Fabio Fazio recalled that a sentence of young men, who, it seems like a genius compared to Gelmini said "I support public water although I'm going to buy mineral water" is not that the government can afford to poison the water in the taps of citizens to force them to buy mineral water, then there are those who are in favor public water and then you buy bottled water, but will his cock, I can not express to the public school and then send my son wherever I want? I send my son wherever I want, but if the school did shit, I would send them to private school and I would fight for a public school that no longer sucks, but what it means, there is no contradiction, there are a lot of people who were in favor of divorce and why they divorced, is one thing to the right of people to divorce, another thing is that then you're forced to divorce because you were favorable to the divorce, but let the numbers? To tell you what goes in the empty heads of these ministers and the newspapers that go back, instead of analyzing the clinical point of view.
Supercazzole judicial
conclude but we have already spoken several times with all the input we receive regarding the reform of justice
Yesterday I heard Mr Alfano who was on television networks and then it was unified dall'Annunziata to seven in the evening, say major shit, like for example that in 1987 became a referendum on the civil liability of judges because the judges are when they are wrong pay out of their pockets, such as doctors, as the surgeons who make mistakes, while in 1987 the referendum on the civil liability of judges, which passed, was combined with a package of others including the referendum that abolished the nuclear, then a government that if not care about the referendum of 1987 in the nuclear and pulls straight on the reintroduction of nuclear energy without asking Italians in the meantime have changed their minds, it is curious that wave O'er the 1987 referendum only with regard to the civil liability of judges, but be careful because if you see the polls you find that two Italians are in favor of over 3 Alfano part of the reform that makes the judges personally pay their errors, because many people think that judges today do not pay for their mistakes, or for their crimes, because they are telling us for years that there is a CSM, the self-governing body that judges the judges, the judges then judge for themselves, they always perform, are square make the corporation, are chaste and so it is time to stop.
The citizen victim of miscarriage of justice must be able to sue the judge who gave him an injustice, abuse and obtain from him personally compensation, just as a citizen when he goes for an operation, if the doctor misses this, the citizen has the right to denounce and to retaliate against him, that's what they tell us, in language that a lot of power, says: put me in jail, had nothing to do, he must pay for this then get polls favorable to this kind of reform. It is believed, that the judges did not want to pay for their mistakes, do not pay for their mistakes and that the referendum of 1987, radicals and socialists who wanted to force them to finally pay for their mistakes, has been betrayed and rejected by lobby of the courts that forced the politicians not to pay the judges their mistakes and then maybe you the case of telling it like it is.
not true at all what was said, the referendum of 1987 provided for the civil liability of judges when they are wrong intentionally or by gross negligence, willful misconduct do you mean? What did you do it on purpose to make mistakes, serious fault is it? What you did on purpose because you have taken all precautions, you missed your duties seriously because, without wanting to do an injustice to the defendant or another suspect, but have not taken all precautions to avoid it and this is misconduct, negligence is your mistake, not intentional, not intentional but it is your responsibility because it was for you to avoid to make that mistake, doing better investigations, better read the cards, etc capendole better. and then said that the referendum, we need a third party liability, should the victims be compensated error in the calendar year, the referendum is not was not betrayed, was signed into law by then the majority who were penta, Christian Democrats and Socialists who had promoted the referendum and the other to the following effect: the citizen who allegedly suffered a miscarriage of justice may sue the state, if the state loses the case compensate the citizen who was killed in error, then whether that error depends on willful misconduct or gross negligence by the judge or judges, could be the 5 of the Supreme Court, the three Court of Appeal or the judge if it is a single PM, GIP, Gup, what is the state rivals on the court or the courts to pay them for the loss that has advance the state a citizen of the victim, this is the law today, the fact that the state then it is inefficient not forget to bring to account those judges who make mistakes, it is not required by law, is due to the fact that the state is inefficient.
Why should the State in the first instance to pay damages to the citizen victim of miscarriage of justice? Because the judge is a professional mica, mica is a free professional, acting on his own? The magistrate is the State, the prosecutor called because it is the public prosecutor represents the state institution, is justice, not the prosecutor Tom, Dick or Harry, the prosecutor puts on the robe because at that time is not him, then did it justice, the State, is the prosecution! The court idem, it's not making judgments as to Marco Travaglio or foo, it is justice that he performs his duties, then in the name of the state, which is why there should never be discussion between the public interest is that represented by the PM and the judge and the Advocate, which is instead a private party is representing the victims, the civil party, is representing the accused ol'indagato, they represent clients who pay them, the prosecutor and the judge represent all of us, a general interest in the State.
However, if the judge is wrong intentionally or by gross negligence, the State must call to pay because he has done damage to the victim or miscarriage of justice, both at the whole community, has even ruined the good name of the state, the magistrate who especially one that should not stop stop, especially one that should not intercept intercepts, specifically a conviction that he knows is innocent or that an indictment be innocent or research, search, she attacked one he knows to be innocent, or who is so incompetent, grossly negligent, that makes all this damage because it is not good at doing his job, it is obvious that the state must retaliate against him and must pay him the money of his errors and now the law allows this to happen, provides that from happening, just after the referendum of 24 years ago, why can not today be the citizen who feels the victim of a miscarriage of justice to report directly to the Magistrate that he claims have made him the damage? Because the magistrate can not be daily complaints from a citizen for what he has done in carrying out its duties, the judge must decide, said the Latins, without hopes to benefit from what he does and without fear of retaliation for what he does, must have no expectation, either positive or negative, why? Why else is not free to decide according to law and according to his conscience, if you know that tomorrow and the day after an arrest that you may withdraw in person, if that someone is a poor man you have to stop the arrests the same, but if that someone you have stop is a powerful, think three times before stopping, instead you should simply consider whether there are grounds to arrest him or not, without fear of complaints, or if you do it without hope of favor or applause or gifts if you do not do, that's why there must be the rule in the middle.
And 'the State which accepts complaints, pay any damage and if the damage was created by a judge who failed to intent and gross negligence, calls him a reply, but it's true today, what will change in future? That directly and personally accused ol'indagato think they have suffered a miscarriage of justice, the judge may terminate, personally.
know that the magistrate is not a surgeon or a doctor or a carpenter or a plumber, if the plumber at my house to fix the sink and it devastates me, ask him any damage if I go by the surgeon to make me work and what I ruin, I ask him the damage, but I do not go to the magistrate to ask him to trial, I did not choose the judge, while I choose the surgeon, the electrician, the plumber, the carpenter, etc. ..
The surgeon and the doctor have a duty to save my life, have the task of improving health, to get back healthy, the Magistrate has no responsibility other than to, in determining whether a criminal has committed a crime or not, in state in a civil dispute between two parties, who's right and who's wrong, think about how it is different: the doctor who does his job well gives great satisfaction to his patient, saves his life, back to health, ' plumber who does his job well, gives great satisfaction to his client, why? Why not tap it worked and now works as an electrician if he does his job well gives great satisfaction to the customer who is paying, why? Why do not we first saw it, was dark and now turns on the light, the carpenter who does his job well because it gives great satisfaction? Because I needed a library and see what a beautiful library I did, I pay them for this, I have chosen them getting information and I've paid for doing a good thing that I need, the court did not choose, do not pay and is not particularly there to give satisfaction, it is there to do that justice is a different thing, the judge usually creates more enemies, is an inevitable consequence of his craft create enemies, do you think the civil court that adjudicates the dispute, lite of the building, the border dispute, the dispute between debtor and creditor, there are two parties who both said to be right and ask the judge to give it to him, the court can not give reason to you both and can not even say: not quite right either, to say that he is right to force one or the other is right, then surely one of the discontented and certainly one of them the next day and one of them angry if they can certainly do so, the complaint , saying I was right and you gave another reason!
Idem in Criminal Matters, which is not a citizen before the PM so happens to sport, because the PM wants to look at it, if one happens before a judge or a PM is because there is a complaint, is suspected of having committed a crime, then when you meet a PM is not you say "I hope you have a good operation, I hope you have a good library, a good electrical system, we hope that save my life "you're not you're going to ask for a service to him, is he who called you because you are suspected of a crime, then obviously that has not become a friend of the PM, your only hope is that the PM face justice and that if his investigation is done well, the process is done well, the preliminary hearing is done well in the various levels of courts, you finally have justice if you are convicted guilty, if you are innocent, acquitted ditto if you are a victim of a crime and go to the report, go to denounce, not the PM choose, make the complaint, the investigation ends, however, is a guy that PM is the PM's office, representing the state and then if it is true that you have suffered the crime and you will find the evidence to condemn what you did wrong, if you do not find the evidence or if it is you were wrong, then the person you have complained will be paid, then a two- you feel angry if the victim and the judiciary can not give you justice, or states that you are not a victim, and two if you get angry you suspect is convicted and then, even if you get too angry you suspect is acquitted, then why do you still have kept in a water bath for a while 'time. The court will always have enemies, it is inevitable to have enemies, you paid mail to call people to respond to crime in the criminal and civil wrong and a right to give to another, then still decides scontenterà always someone in criminal or unhappy or dissatisfied with the victim the defendant in a civil or unhappy or dissatisfied with the other hand, imagine if the parties are unhappy that they could terminate the day after the single judge, the judges for not having trouble simply would not be anything , would not take no further action that is the judiciary that we want?
see how easy it is to influence people, the judge was wrong pay is already so, it is right now is to pay the State and then in the case where the court has fraudulently or negligently and grossly wrong, then make him pay the damages, but never allow the private citizen to sue the judge because otherwise the courts to avoid complaints and troubles, as do thousands and thousands of trials, they would have thousands and thousands of complaints, no one wants to have thousands and thousands of complaints, just would not do anything!
E 'this is the justice we want? Just know that, unfortunately, to know you can not figure it out watching some TV or reading newspapers, we need to deepen and not always those delegated to the deepening know what they're talking about, so that even the easiest thing, which seems more common sense, the judge who pays wrong, in fact conceals a propaganda that is difficult to remove because it takes longer, is a complex problem and can not be compressed in a television broadcast or a newspaper, always be wary of anything that seems simple, when you say that there is a simple thing, try to get you to see what's behind it, we develop a bit 'of critical spirit and above all learn to choose the experts who truly are and are not servants of someone, spread the word and good week
How To Hack A Sidekick 08 For Unlimited Aim

Monday, March 14, 2011
A Discouloured Cervix

4187 Curtailment Example
of Beppe Grillo . Source: blogbeppegrillo
We are at war. On the one hand there are the dead, the other alive. When conflict erupts with the normal rules no longer apply. To defeat Hitler was not enough discussion. A nuclear power plant in Italy amounts to a gun against the Nation. This is not terrorism, is the truth. No one can predict a catastrophe like the Japanese, but everyone knows that can happen. In a day or a thousand years. The reactors at the Fukushima plant are exploding one after other things, 180,000 people were evacuated in an area of \u200b\u200b30 km. It is said that they will return to their homes. Contaminated areas, such as around Chernobyl remains radioactive for thousands of years. A L'Aquila
there were no nuclear power plants, it was an earthquake zone, like almost everywhere in Italy. Many buildings that collapsed were constructed with sand, much of the population would survive if evacuated in time. The warning signs were for months. This is Italy, which speculates on earthquakes and laughs like a hyena on the phone.
Nuclear wills of the dead as Veronesi Italy, Berlusconi, head, Prestigiacomo, Marcegaglia, Casini, Fini, cooperative white and red, Enel, the Deputies and senators of both major parties and PDminusL PDL (which is now Ammuina), united in the choice of safe nuclear energy, as well as incinerators and water privatization. If Chernobyl had occurred in France, for example, Chooz, the region of Champagne-Ardenne in the center of Europe would be off-limits to humans for thousands of years. Why take a risk so high? To defend us from the aliens? Or from a planetary catastrophe? Or for profit, the usual miserable, disgusting, filthy profit? I do not want my children are at risk and I will do everything in my power against nuclear power. The mothers of nuclear, as well as those idiots are always pregnant.
The French Embassy Tokyo has sent the Italians to leave the city because of the risk of contamination. We are the sorcerer's apprentices. If the Tokyo area were infected, 10 million Japanese would be displaced. How? Where? Not even the worst movie antinuclear provided such a disaster. The EDF and Sarkozy can go to fuck. Nuclear power to do so under the Eiffel Tower. France has 500 billion euro in Italian government bonds and has acquired in this way, part of our sovereignty. But I prefer the default to power.
Italy of the living said NO in a referendum against nuclear power in 1987. Italy in the dead of radioactive Maroni, has merged administrative and referendum to blow up the quorum. The referendum was moved on 12 and 13 June, but we who are alive, we will not go to sea. They never give up (but the interest?). Neither will we.
Degenerative Disc In Neck

1) Nuclear power has a role and is raised around the world.
is not so, nor in relative terms, either in absolute terms. In relative terms the
weight of nuclear power in global production has fallen from 17.2% in 1999
to 13.5% in 2008 (International Energy Agency, 2010).
2) Nuclear power is abundant, it serves to Italy for its energy security and
filonucleare propaganda continues to repeat that in 50 years
fossil fuels may not be enough. That fossil fuels will decline is uncertain, but
uranium is an element that is extracted from the limited resources of uranium and therefore also
50 years will decline.
The employment impact of nuclear power in Italy is estimated at 10 000
places to work, mostly in the construction phase (8-10 years). To center the
binding European targets for renewable sources by 2020 according to a study of
Bocconi the employment impact can generate up to 250 000 in Italy
places of work.
3) Nuclear power costs less.
AND 'FALSE. With the new plants will increase costs.
The most recent estimates made in the USA show that in 2020 the cost of the kilowatt-hour
new nuclear plants will be increased by 75% compared to that of
gas and 27% from wind. It will be the citizens to pay.
4) The electricity in Italy is more expensive because we have not made nuclear power?
in Italy the electricity costs for households more than in other countries
is not for the lack
of nuclear installations but rather to issues and extra costs
characteristic of the Italian electricity system. The price we pay in bills, the cost of production is about
third, the rest is accounted for by other components linked to
reloading of producers, distribution costs, taxes, disposal of old plants
5) The power of the latest generation is completely safe.
There is no certainty in terms of security: even
the new reactors were designed with safety criteria inherent in an accident and not
are able to regulate itself.
Three European Agency for Nuclear Safety, the British HSE'sND, STUK and the Finnish
the same agency ASN French have resoundingly rejected by
joint statement (November 2009), Areva's EPR.
6) Nuclear power is a clean source that does not normally produce impacts.
Beyond the risk of severe accidents, nuclear reactors release
radioactivity in air and water during their normal operation and
small accidents which are quite frequent. Workers in Central and
citizens who live near them are always in direct contact with
radioactivity. A survey done in Germany on 17 units has shown a dependency
the onset of childhood diseases (children from 0 to 5 years
) from the proximity to the station. Within a radius of 5 km from the central state,
even detected an increase in tumors embryogenetic (
mother of the fetus in the womb) of 1.6 times the average and 2.2 times of childhood leukemia cases
than expected.
7) We are already surrounded by reactors, then we might as well make it here too.
The risk in the event of a nuclear incident is timely, that is higher the more neighbors
is the source of radiation. This simple observation underlies
one of the principles of radiation protection.
8) The issue of nuclear waste is resolved.
The issue of radioactive waste and the most dangerous time of their huge
life (the time it takes for half the radioactivity of an element,
ranging from thousands to millions of years) is still a research problem
essential. The "vitrification", often smuggled
as a solution of the problem, it is only a conditioning phase of this waste and remains open
the problem of their confinement in suitable geological sites.
In the United States since 1978 who is working on a final storage for radioactive waste
the highest intensity in the Yucca Mountain site,
in the desert of Nevada. Its construction cost will exceed $ 54 billion (
and must be paid for with taxpayers' fees), but there is no certainty that will never
9) Nuclear power is the way to cut emissions of greenhouse gases that cause climate change and
is not an alternative to energy efficiency and renewable energy
NOT 'VERO.Si estimates that even doubling the current installed nuclear power
, CO2 emissions would be reduced by only 5%. And in Italy the nuclear
would come, however, after 2026.
Brown Mucus Discharge Only Once When Wiping?

Ten years ago, when Slovenia was about to enter the European Union, one of our Eurosceptic paraphrased a joke about the Marx brothers' lawyers, we Slovenes have a problem? We enter the European Union! We will have even more problems, but there will be the Union to take charge!
A century ago, Gilbert Keith Chesterton explained clearly the fundamental impasse of the criticism of religion: "Men who begin to fight the church for the sake of freedom and humanity end up fighting for freedom and humanity but also to fight the church." The same applies to the defenders of religion. How many fanatical defenders of religion have begun attacking the secular culture and ended with the betrayal of any religious experience? Thus, many liberal advocates are eager to combat fundamentalism and anti-democratic end to get away from freedom and democracy. If the "terrorists" are ready to raze this world in the name of another, our anti-terrorist warriors are ready to raze their democratic world prey for the Muslim hatred.
Zeal xenophobic
The impasse, however, Europe has much deeper roots. The real problem is that critics of the wave of xenophobic, that is, those who would defend the precious European traditions, the ritual tends to be limited to humbly accept the limits of European traditions and celebrate the richness of other cultures. The words of the poem The Second Coming by William Butler Yeats makes the situation well: "The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity." It is an excellent description of the division between liberals and fundamentalists timid lovers, both Muslims and Christians. "Best" are no longer able to work hard, while "the worst" combine religious fanaticism, sexist and racist.
Get yourself out of this predicament? A recent German debate can show us the road. In October, Chancellor Angela Merkel said that "the multicultural approach has failed." His words referred to the debate on Leitkultur (dominant culture) in which the German conservatives insisted that each state is based on a dominant cultural space that members of other cultures must be respected. The meaning of these words is that instead of complaining about the emerging European racist should be self-critical and ask ourselves what our abstract multiculturalism has contributed to the sad state of affairs. The cultures are different
convivereSe all sides do not share the same civilization, then multiculturalism becomes legally regulated mutual ignorance or hatred. The conflict over multiculturalism is already a conflict on Leitkultur: not a clash between cultures but between different visions of how different cultures can and should coexist, and the rules and behaviors that these cultures have to share.
So we should avoid being trapped in the game on "how much tolerance can afford." The only way out of this impasse is to engage and fight for a universal positive project shared by all. The battles are many possibilities in this respect, from ecology to economics. A few months ago in the occupied West Bank has been a small miracle: for some women Palestinians who were demonstrating against the wall joined a group of lesbians in Israel. The initial mutual distrust has vanished in the first clash with the soldiers, giving way to solidarity: the end of a Palestinian woman in traditional dress has embraced a lesbian Israeli with purple hair. A living symbol of what should be our battle.
And so, perhaps the sarcasm dell'euroscettico Slovenia has not grasped the meaning of the question. Instead of wasting time on costs and benefits of the European Union, we should focus on what the EU really is. Mainly acts as a regulator of global capitalism, sometimes flirts with the defense of the conservative tradition. Both roads lead to the marginalization of the continent. The only way out is to resurrect its tradition of radical and universal emancipation. We must go beyond mere tolerance of others and marry a real Leitkultur that can support a true coexistence. Do not limit yourself to respect others, but give them a common struggle, how common our problems today.
Translated by Andrea Sparacino.
International, 888 number , March 11, 2011