Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Grannies Suck On Black


Source: f uocoedizioni

The end of the Cold War provoked a wave of optimism as to cause someone to proclaim the "end of history." Subsequent events - the explosion of Yugoslavia to the Russian-Georgian conflict, the September 11 "war on terror", new tensions between Russia and the U.S. financial crisis - have shown a reality certainly not paradise.

The story is still ongoing, and today as in the past is also history of conflict and hostility. In view of the globalized XXI century is taking place among the great challenge total potenze.Sfida because that geopolitics is a zero-sum game: if someone in the hierarchy of power, someone else must scendere.Totale today because most states do not face each other only with diplomacy and war, but also rely on the economy, finance, culture, ideology, and their clash is no longer confined within certain areas, but grows on a global scale.

This book reminds us how, in a world where everything seems to have changed and evolved, some things remain the same. This is the case of constant geopolitical, beyond all the propaganda and rhetoric, continue to determine and explain the struggle between the great powers.

The total challenge us to walk in history and the world in order to describe what is happening today and what will happen tomorrow. We discover the greater geopolitical theories of the past and present, the strategies of major powers, the international macrodynamics, up to perhaps glimpse a better future for today, but not without scary and unknown threats.

Pages 186, Size 14cm x 20.6 cm ISBN 9-788890-465826 Contents: Foreword, Introduction, Chapter 1 - Earth against the Sea, Chapter 2 - Attack on the Heart of the Earth, Chapter 3 - idealism against realism, Cap . 4 - The Bear gets up, Chapter 5 - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Chapter 6 - The rogue state and the little Satan, Chapter 7 - The Awakening of America Indiolatina, Scalea Epilogo.Daniele degree in Historical Sciences at the University of Milan with a thesis on foreign policy italiana.Dal 2004 is in the editorial department of geopolitical studies "Eurasia" and his articles have appeared in "Rebirth", "Balance", "free pages", "FonDSK" and numerous other sites Internet.Per "Eurasia" has carried out several interviews, among others, Noam Chomsky, Alexander Dugin, Igor and Vladimir Panarin Jakunin.La Total Challenge is his first book.


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