Friday, January 8, 2010

How To Get Atheros Back

Ibrahim Blues

M'Bodi Ibrahim was not a bluesman, but his story is not so different from that of the laborers who worked for a pittance in the cotton fields of the southern United States. Although in our country, slavery was prohibited, many centuries ago, today there are still people enslaved and exploited. Mostly it comes to African immigrants and American blacks with the combination fits perfectly. Ibrahim lived in the typical condition of many African workers, exploited, poorly paid and without a regular contract. For some time working for a construction craftsman, rented, to live, an area of \u200b\u200bproperty entrepreneur. One of those bosses that observers considered the economic backbone of our production system! Those who take black and always at the end, those in which companies work only migrants, those firms in which many accidents happen, those who evade taxes, those who do not comply with the covenants. And for this reason it is thought that Ibrahim was killed. Nine stab wounds and his body thrown into a ditch between the rice fields of Vercelli.

not we let this matter passes into oblivion. Spread this article!
article "Reset"


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