the early days of this blog I talked evolution that Sierra On-Line led the way of adventure games with the King's Quest . The adventure game, so far only text or static graphics of the most gifted, were transformed into true interactive experience where the player was given the opportunity to move the hero within scenarios rich, 's age, color and detail. While the resolution of the puzzles and interaction with the scenario are still governed by the use of the command (you must then type simple sentences describing the action you intend to go), the movement of the protagonist is given the use of keyboard or joystick thus giving a new dimension to the phase exploration (of the proposals are typically too short arcade sequences contributing nicely to break the rhythm).
Being particularly fond of this game genre, when I was asked to join the editorial staff of Re.BIT I thought I'd dedicate my first review one of the adventures that marked my youth ... review that today, for the completeness of this site, you propose again hoping to make something pleasant. Ladies and gentlemen ... a moment of silence Roger Wilko is coming ...
The Sierra On-Line after thinking Delicious with the adventures of the brave Sir Graham ( King's Quest ), the loser playboy Larry Laffer ( Lesu Suit Larry ) and the ' Agent Sonny Bonds (Police Quest ) gives us his first sci-fi adventure "three dimensional" (the quotation marks is a must, because the sense of perspective is obtained by scaling the sprites in motion ... it's all flat as a board! !!!): Space Quest: The Sarien encouter.
protagonist of the game is Roger Wilco, serving on the scavenger galactic spaceship Arcada . The game starts with our alter-ego intent to pursue his favorite activity: dozing ambush broom closet. The well-deserved rest stops abruptly, from high trill of the alarm board. Scapicollatosi out from the narrow room the "diligent" Roger realize, soon, the ship was attacked the wicked Sarien who, after killing all the crew Mebra, have taken possession of the precious Star Generator . With this device in their hands the ruthless aliens will soon be able to bend the universe to their will. After a moment of lost our hero realizes that he is up to the daunting task of saving the universe from the threat of subjugation. Good intentions, however, are challenged by Sarien that before abandoning the ship, they thought well to activate the self-destruction. There remain a few minutes before the ship jumps into the air in the bud stroncado the heroic undertaking dell'impavido Roger .
Here begins our adventure that will take us, after a roccambolesca race against time to escape from ' Arcada before detonation, exploring the planet Keron and finally, after reaching the mother ship, to stop the ambitions of winning Sarien .
Close Encounters of the Third Kind on board Arcadia - Ready to jump ship
As in most adventure games, the gameplay comprises exploratory phase, in which will move your character in various locations to collect clues and objects, and phases in which we are forced to squeeze their brains to solve puzzles that the writers here and there to make our task more difficult. To break the monotony of the lords of Sierra have included action sequences that will test our reflexes. For example, at some point in the game, to cross the desert Keron , we put in command of a Skimmer (a kind of hovercraft ) avoiding rocks and holes that blocked our path (do not know to you, but I remember a tremendous levels Super Return of the Jedi for SNES ... that programmers have been Sculptured Software fan of Sierra adventures of youth).
Space Quest vs Super Return of the Jedi ... deja vu !?!?!
control system provide for the use of directional arrows to move your character in the scenarios. The interaction with the environment and objects is instead delegated to the use of the command line, through which we can enter short phrases that describe the action that our alter-ego to perform. The parser (the command interpreter, the cross and delight of adventurers 80) is not very developed, so in most cases be sufficient phrases such as verb-object ( climb ladders, push button , etc.).
From graphical point of view we are on good levels (at least for the time, and for the PC). The graphics are a little 'cube, but performs its function perfectly and if we consider that, until the exit of the Sierra adventures the genre was dominated by text adventure is all fat that runs!
The sound is limited to a piece of music during the introduction and some sound effects during play, a bit 'cheap, but given the limited capacity of the PC Speaker enough and further.
The major flaw of the game, acknowledged even by admirers of Sierra and common to many of its titles, is the ease with which the character can die, you can fall off a cliff, finally crushed by a boulder killed by a robotic spider, blasts from an alien and so on and so forth ... in short, is to be appalled especially knowing that playing an adventure and not an arcade (thank goodness that you can save your game at any time!).
Before leaving, as the tradition of Re.BIT, I invite you to the final comment in the course of the game, pay attention to the many gems posted by the writers here and there. For example, the Blues Brothers concert Keron in the bar or the location of the seller of ships used terribly reminiscent of the home of Luke Skywalker on Tatooine.

The quotations are on the agenda in Space Quest
Playing Space Quest is an amazing experience especially for those who, like me, until then had played only to text adventures. Finally, a completely imaginary world takes shape, color and motion become almost real. It 's true, the graphics has little realistic, but 24 years ago was like living inside a movie that we were the protagonists. If this is added a storyline worthy of an episode of the Star Wars saga and the writers are geniuses is easy to see that we are faced with a real masterpiece. Personally, I remember Space Quest is dedicated to every free moment of my days, finding more than once busy thinking about how to solve the damn puzzle that I had stopped the previous evening, during the tedious hours (much to the chagrin of my teachers) . A game that should absolutely be played and lived to the end!
And to finish here's the inevitable video that I made thanks to a nice demo disk made by Sierra to promote its titles ... took me since I was there also on a promo Space Quest II that never hurts.
In 1991, he released a remake updated to modern graphics and sound (also disappears parser replaced by a convenient point and click interface). Although the holder is a feast for the eyes and ears I still prefer the original ... just beginning to grow old: o)
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