The history of video games is marked, from time to time, by securities over time risen to the rank of classic titles so popular and appreciated by merit even today, decades after their original publication, remake or new releases in compatible version with modern systems. Among the immortal classics of the '80s today I would have thought to tell you about Lode Runner , title released in 1983 by Brøderbund Software , initially for Apple II, and later carried on most systems available at the time (and not just since the last remake , Xbox 360, is dated 2009). Hoping to welcome you to what I'm going to start ...

Before you rush headlong into the description of the game, say a few words about the genesis of this title, as often happened in those years, it has some interesting aspects.
all started out in the summer of 1982 when Douglas E. Smith, a young architecture student at the University of Washington , to pass the time, decided to develop a game, Kong, taking advantage of the resources provided by the laboratory of university campus. The title originally developed in Fortran a Prime Computer 550 is subsequently ported to VAX systems (with the inclusion of routine Pascal) to allow it to travel on the terminal system of the university network.
Since this blog is also history, here's a nice picture of a "microcomputer" Prime: o)
Given the positive feedback received from colleagues, Doug decided to convert the game for Apple II (the program is completely rewritten in ' assembly of 6502), rename Miner and submit it to a Brøderbund 'eventual publication. Unfortunately the game is completely in black and white and without support for the joystick , is discarded because it was considered unattractive. Doug but not discouraged: bought a color monitor and a joystick and after having introduced some improvements, the end of 1982, is ready to resubmit its title, renamed Lode Runner , Major publisher . This time the Brøderbund sees the potential blockbuster , agreed to distribute the game marking the start of a global success.

A screen in his incarnation of Lode Runner for Apple II
Well, let's move the plot ... Sometime in the future an evil criminal organization, the Empire Bungeling , has stolen a huge load of boxes of gold scattered in the 150 levels of its headquarters. As a special agent will be up to you to infiltrate into the narrow building to recover the stolen goods. To make your company more difficult (and challenging) the robot guards and the intricate structure of the levels that will force you to carefully plan your moves.

Two levels of play
As you can see from the pictures that I have just proposed, the game presents itself as a platform a fixed screen (one level occupies the entire screen without of scrolling) which moved the protaginista (the man is white) and robot guards (white and magenta). The only other elements of the scenario are the platforms on different levels on which we can run around, ladders and ropes that allow us to move vertically and horizontally, and the precious boxes of gold to be recovered in order to gain access to the next level (access via a staircase that will appear as soon as the last treasure recovered ). Unlike robot, which are then disarmed and harmless, except in case of direct contact, the main character is equipped with a laser beam that allows him to chip away at the two blocks adjacent to him the platform (you can pierce the sun sections made of bricks, those "solid" but are indestructible). Forget the guns and then take a sinister robot but get ready for a more scientific only source of our defense. As you can see from the pictures the action of laser creates some real holes in the layer structure: these gaps can be used both to allow the player to access the underlying platform (you can fall from any height and emerge unscathed) and for imprisoned for a few seconds, the guards (in this situation we can happily walk on their grand). The open gaps in the scenario are closed again after a few seconds, putting an end to the suffering of anyone who is imprisoned (including you if you have not had the foresight to draft an appropriate way out). Once you destroy the robot , regenerate in a random location the framework of the game.

Two other levels of play
A classic example of strategic use of laser is illustrated by the level of the castle (right) to recover the funds raised in the two "finestrotti" Central, you'll have to prepare the necessary space to go down to the opening under them, otherwise they will be crushed relentlessly.
Further strategic part of the game is inherent in AI of your opponents: the robot always move to achieve in the first instance, your position vertically and then horizontally to make you (let a game or watch the video at the bottom of the post to realize). Although at first glance may seem like a pattern very stupid (and known in advance!), I assure you that more than once you'll be resigned to narrow the angle achieved by the robotic opponents. With experience, however, you will be able to exploit this characteristic to your advantage, for example, to lure the enemy in a position that suits you best, in fact, the level of the castle we could attract them to one of the two towers and then to imprison them roam freely to recover treasures.
So do not be fooled by the apparent similarity with many platform, Lode Runner is much more and brings a strategic element that will not leave you indifferent ... Technically the title
Brøderbund does a miracle ... in the early '80s, the graphics are CGA and the sound is played by buzzing beeper ... in this case do not be fooled, behind one aspect is not too flattering lies a masterpiece of playability and fun.
Before the inevitable video I want to remember that Lode Runner was one of the first titles to include a chart editor level that allowed thousands of fans to create their own pictures without any programming knowledge ... really bad.
And now the inevitable movie ... the next: o)
PS The game goes a little too fast on DosBox , act appropriately on the parameter cycles to adapt to the title of performance your computer.
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