few days ago, reading the review for Chuck Rock WOPR of his Blog, I came back to mind by way of setting Preihistorik prehistoric (but by !) awarded by the French Titus Interactive in 1991 for Amiga, Atari ST, Amstrad CPC and of course PC / MS-DOS. Although the title
Titus has not enjoyed the same clamor reserved to the adventures of "Rock Carletto," I think this is a good game that deserves to be revived, if only for the healthy fun that can give. That said, let's get started ...

The game begins with the protagonist, a nice cave, surrounded by deep sleep punctuated by dreams of natural food. Woke up and the troglodyte, you realize you have a hunger that will push him crazy, armed with only his club, to address the four levels that make up the game, looking for any bendidio. They start our adventures that will take us through to the world of caves, ice, forest and lava for the sole purpose of appeasing the visceral need for food of the protagonist. Along the way, caves to explore, to find ready-made dishes, and pet beat and turn in as many goodies. The purpose of perigrinare, while achieving the end of the level, to fill the satiety index, which stands high up in the status bar along with the number of lives remaining, the energy bar and time remaining to reach the exit. At the end of each world, we will be invited to address the classic boss (tirannosaruro rex, triceratops and pterodactyl) which gatekeeper to the next.
Along the way we collect some bonus as the stone ax, which shoots down an enemy with one blow, the talisman that gives an extra life , the clock that gives a little 'more time to get to end of the level, the spring which increases the height of the jump and the bomb annihilates all animals on-screen. These bonus , potrenno be picked up exploring the caves scattered throughout the levels or perquotendo with your weapon, the shaman who appears from time to time (always in the same positions). To enrich the gameplay within each level we have to face some screen aboard unlikely means of locomotion such as balloons in the first level or the prehistoric gliding in the second. At this stage we can not offend, but we should confine ourselves to avoid the enemies that try to block the road.

image of the first level and its boss, the fearsome T-Rex from ingrown toenails
Graphically the game is very good, thanks to the good use of colors in the VGA and the nice and well animated sprites. Only note, the transition between one screen and the next, no fluid flow through the progressive ( scrolling) but to "click" whenever the protagnista reaches the edge of the screen. The sound is not too bad given the four different tracks that accompany us in so many levels, mythical, in the ring we deal with the different boss, accompanying evidendemente inspired by the soundtrack of the movie Rocky Balboa . Actually, given the length of the levels, a single pattern repeated in the complex is soon bored but basically you can not have everything: o)
The sound effects though good, tend a bit 'to "get lost" between the notes accompanying the songs, the quality is not that depressing, but your hearing system from the now legendary Sound Blaster, you'd expect something more! The
gameplay is the classic kind of platform with large levels to explore and enemies to mazzulare in joy even though some are so cute, see the penguins of the second level, which sometimes almost sorry to take on the bigwigs clubbed. Personally, I appreciated the need for pixel-perfect jumps due coicidenza between the obstacles we must overcome and the height / apiezza of jumps that we will be able to do (thank goodness there's the legendary mainspring !!!).
For the rest there is not much to add except the criticism only four levels available, which, though long and fraught with difficulties, are completed with relative ease, it seems as if the programmers have included some difficulties such as' limited time available, the jumps and the lack of millimeter-range of our weapons (basically it always clashes with cold) just to increase a bit 'longevity of the title.

Aboard hang-gliding in the second level and the BEGINNING of the lava world that will lead to the end of our adventure
short, Prehistorik is certainly not a masterpiece, but in any case is one of those titles, which once started is hard to give end to end. The gameplay is not the best of verietà but is nonetheless appreciated and will certainly give us insights cute and funny ... we are dealing with a good game, albeit not to the splendor of Chuck Rock, offers interesting and does it with taste. In the following video
your brave editor completes the first level ...
... then fill the big toe clubbed the evil T-Rex guarding the exit!!
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