Probably many of you are unaware that the father of one of the few games that deserved the purchase of Mega CD, Silpheed in fact, was born on giapponesissimo, and almost unknown in our country, NEC PC-88 hands of talented programmers Game Arts . Thanks to the initiative of Sierra On-Line very active in those years, the game comes on the monitor of our beloved PC, so far nothing unusual, if not for the fact that the title in question is a shoot'em up and, strange but true, this is a conversion with no regret that controfiocchi PC users the magnificence of the competing systems in those years much more popular. Then call to delay and buttiamici headlong into review ...

In 3032, space ship built by a strange breed is found in the orbit of Pluto. Analyze the complex devices, scientists and engineers are able to clone terrestrial technology. And 'the event which marks the birth of the "Union of the Milky Way" and the BEGINNING of colonization outside the Earth's solar system. But, of course it is, here comes the turn of intergalactic bad guy, the evil Xacalite that, under the command of his fleet of space cappeggiata GLOIRE battleship, launched his challenge to the galaxy. The first clashes by surprise the fledgling union space, causing serious land losses to the fleet. The supercomputer Yggdrassil ruled that the best chance for the land and to entrust to you the command of Super SA-08 Air Fighter Silpheed, a prototype space fighter last bastion of defense land. So begins your mission through twenty levels of the game, will take a final showdown with Gloire to restore peace and harmony.
What I'm told, is the plot that holds the frantic battles Silpheed , one of the best shooting games of the first generation of PC games. Immediately after a brief presentation, masterfully made wireframe graphics in which introduces the storyline, it was immediately thrown into battle with hordes of enemy ships that will sling at us with the sole intent of ending our mission prematurely. Although at first glance may seem Silpheed a classic vertical scrolling shoot'em up is much more, thanks to its three-dimensional engine, which gives the game a look extremely attractive and innovative for the period, and polygonal models, although a bit 'rough, they move with great fluidity in the game.
levels that we have to face, are divided into four types: space battles, in which forward by slaughter of enemies armed to the teeth, the planet's defense, which will be called to protect the planet's surface below (this level scrolling stops, assuming the features of an advanced version of Space Invaders ), crossing of asteroid fields and attack the fortress where you have to cross the narrow passageways of a space station between ships, trucks and other barriers lethal amenities (such stage remember the legendary attack on the Death Star from Star Wars ). After each level you will be waiting for the classic boss, as usual for the fight to the projectile

One of scrolling levels and a defense of the planet

The attack on the space fortress and the final confrontation with the glory
As usual, reducing the release of these enemies power ups each denoted by a letter, which will give you a hand in tackling the arduous task
- (W) Weapon Power Up: increases the destructive power of your weapons
- (S) Speed \u200b\u200bUp : increasing speed and maneuverability of your hunting
- (B) Set Barrier : places a barrier between you and the enemy bullets, but does not protect you from collisions
- (D) Destroy : destroys all enemies and objects on the screen
- (A) Asteroid Belt three asteroids protect the advance of Silpheed
- (I) Invincible : your ship is invincible for a certain period of time
- (N) Score Bonus: increases the score
- (F) Automatic Fire : increase the frequency shots
- (R) All Repair : mulfunzionanti repair parts of your ship (not be repaired any Speed \u200b\u200bUp , and Automatic Fire Barrier September to be acquired again)
In order not to make the game too exasperating, at the end of each level (after sending to maker the gruff boss ) your shuttle will land on a basis of where it can repair its shields and eventually equip themselves with new weapons. The class basis WOLF (more than "small") allow you to recover up to three slots of crowns, while the base class VICE addition to completely repair the shields replenish any Automatic Fire and Speed \u200b\u200bUp previously acquired. Every 50,000 points, a new weapon will be added to those available with which to equip your pick.
also very different arsernale the weapons that you can gradually use:
- Forward Beam : it is the weapon with which initially equipped the Silpheed, a single shot high intensity
- Beam Phalanx : firing seven shots in a radial pattern
- V-Beam : fires two shots in 'V'
- Laser Cannon : laser cannon, inaccurate but devastating
- Auto Aiming : bullets to automatically search for the enemy
Before the inevitable video of me juggling for some levels of the game you point out the wonderful soundtrack that will accompany you during missions.
I leave you with a video introduction of the game, accompanied by music played masterfully by Roland MT-32 ... thrill: o)
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