The sense of God and in particular the divinity of man as the father or of particular groups of men is a view widely held in the ancient Eastern mythology since time immemorial. Tribes, peoples and families report their origin to a divine descent. Above all, the king, as representative of the people, participate in a special way the power of the divine father.
In Genesis the first of several names by which God is called ELOHIM
1) Bereshit Barà ELOHIM et ; In the beginning God created
2) Veruach ELOHIM merachefet And the spirit of God hovers
3) Vayomer ELOHIM Yehi Or And God said, Let there be light
4) Vayar ELOHIM et haori And God saw the light
5) Vayavdel ELOHIM bein haori and God separated light
6) Vaikra ELOHIM Laor yom And God called the light Day
7) Vayomer ELOHIM Yehi Raqia And God said, Let the heavens
8) vayas ELOHIM et haraqia and God made the expanse
9) Vaykra ELOHIM laraqia And God called the firmament "Heaven"
10) Vayomer ELOHIM yqavu hamaim And God said, "You gather the waters
11) Vaiqra ELOHIM the yabasha aretz And God called the dry land"
12) Vayar ELOHIM ki tov And God saw that it was good
13) Vayomer ELOHIM tedshe haaretz And God said the land shoots
14) Vayar ELOHIM ki tov and God saw that it was good
15) Vayomer ELOHIM Yehi meorot , And God said, Let the luminaries
16) vayas ELOHIM et Shnei hameorot And God made the two luminaries
17) Vaitem Ottama ELOHIM bireqia hashamaim And God set them in the firmament of heaven
18) Vayar ELOHIM ki tov and God saw that it was good
19) Vayomer ELOHIM ishretzu hamaim And God said: the waters teem
20) Vaivre ELOHIM et hataninim And God created the sea creatures
21) Vayar ELOHIM ki tov And God saw that it was good
22) Vayevarekh Ottama ELOHIM E God blessed them
23) Vayomer ELOHIM Totz haaretz And God said, Let us leave the land
24) Vaias ELOHIM et chaiat Hasad And God made the beasts of the field
25) Vayar ELOHIM ki tov And God saw that it was good
26) Vayomer ELOHIM na'assè Adam And God said, man we
27) Vaivre ELOHIM et haAdam And God created Adam
28) Betzelem ELOHIM eight coffin the image of God he created him
29 ) Vaievarekh Ottama ELOHIM And God blessed them
30) Vayomer lahem ELOHIM prudent urvu And God said to them: be fruitful and multiply
31) Vayomer ELOHIM hine natati ; And God said, Behold I have set
32) Vayar ELOHIM et kol asher much and God saw everything he had done. In: Cabal
The Name ELOHIM (energy) describes divine power responsible for the creation and maintenance of natural laws upon which the cosmos. The light is the phenomenon that best represents the raw energy. In fact, the photon, which is the carrier of electromagnetic energy, which is one of the light, has a mass equal to zero, that is immaterial. On the other hand is the electron, which is the most stable and common among all the light particles (leptons) that make up matter. So we have two opposites: matter and energy, light and darkness.
Creation described by the first chapters of the Bible is actually a "recreation",
God in Old Testament texts is presented primarily as a Creator, and only in a subsequent reflection is thought to God as Father.
The path that leads to the definition of God as our Father takes us back about four years to a man named Abraham.
Abraham (born in 1812 in . C), the whose name, before the was changed from God meant AV RAM , ie "the father of the Air" was a great astrologer, but he understood the limits of astrology taurine with its fixity repetitive, with its fatalistic tendencies idolatrous and that left no room for the role of free will, expression of the value of human individuality. His leave from Ur of the Chaldeans had represented the abandonment of the old for searching again.
I midrashim (oral traditions of Jewish history) announce a long and painful spiritual quest of Abraham, his irresistible desire for truth, which led him to explore in depth the seven ancient paths of wisdom, and in particular Theosophy , astrology and astronomy.
I midrashim (oral traditions of Jewish history) announce a long and painful spiritual quest of Abraham, his irresistible desire for truth, which led him to explore in depth the seven ancient paths of wisdom, and in particular Theosophy , astrology and astronomy.
not pay partial responses to their offers, Abraham continued his search for the origin of all the unique and supreme "fragments" of truth, until he had the awareness of God's one and only Lord of all undisputed created and all of human history. What drove Abraham on his way to his research was especially adamant rejection of idolatry, understood as the content of a few fragments of the partial truth, and absolute, the illusion that they are all, or that are more important than other fragments of truth.
V ista in this light, idolatry is the underlying cause of division among peoples and among the various schools of thought, and remains today one of the greatest enemies of the process of reconciliation and unification of awareness.
Wisdom and the newness of the revelation given to Abraham were not only those of having started a new religion, which would be added to the many already existing, but of having provided the tools to recognize the presence of the one and only God in all creation, and all the various forms of Gnosticism in which the human finally become possible to recognize clearly the signature of the "Name of God," not in an impersonal manner, Energy, but as God El, staff in relation to the man, speaking to us and meets the needs of inner knowledge.
In the Bible the first man who had an awareness of God's personal name is Moses, "And God spoke to Moses, saying:" I am Ha-Shem. And I showed to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (the name a) EL SHADAI, and my name YHVH I did not know them "." While the extreme intimacy
that God made with the Patriarchs, the knowledge of the name was only given to Moses. The letters of the name of Moses, Mem - Shin - Hey, are identical to those of Ha-Shem, Hey - Shin - Mem and this fact confirms the extreme intimacy with God that Moses reached
The entire Torah contains exactly 1820 Sometimes the name of God, equal to 70 times 26. 26 is the numerical value of the same name: Y (10) - H (5) - V (6) - H (5), while 70 is the value of satisfaction, "secret". There is an allusion to this phenomenon in the verse: "sod the ireav Ha-Shem," "the secret of the name belongs to those who fear Him."
The entire Torah is therefore "the secret of the Name." Name is the "signature" that same God has placed in His creation. The word "fear", ir'ah, has the same inscription rei'ah hyar, "view". So the name is something that has to be seen, that it should be noted, contemplated. The same conclusion we reach through the line, "Shiva-le-Shem neghdì Tamid", "I asked dempre (the name of) God in front of me." Shiva, "I asked," really means "I've treated." Further improvements are therefore try to imitate the name, get to shivion, equality with Him.
The name is 45, as Adam, a human being.
If written from top to bottom, the four letters of the name becomes the essential trace structure human, a symbolic model of the human person standing.
The Yud is the head, the chest is the first Hey together with the two arms, the trunk is Vav, Hey and the final two legs with the pelvis. See Kabbalah
When the experience becomes God's family in the life of the people of Israel and especially in the Christian, we turn to God and call him Father.
Fatherhood of God expresses a dual conviction inspired prophetic preaching. First there is a commitment to obedience, which in practice means fidelity to the law, which can lead to martyrdom.
Only those who are obedient to this point can be sure of paternity Compliance with the law of God brings man closer to God, makes his son while the son's disobedience away from the Father: "Although all are the work of my hands, I want to show the father and creator only one who does my will. " In Palestinian Judaism we have the well-established idea of \u200b\u200bthe fatherhood of God, the One who helps in times of need when no one else can help God as a Father of mercies is ready to come to the aid of his children. Toward Israel, God is merciful much more than an earthly father. "You are the one, whose mercy to us is greater than that of a father towards his children. "
the path to the knowledge of God as Father, is first established a relationship between God and Israel. When a Jew is always called God his Father because God is our Heavenly Father to Israel and the individual is aware of belonging to the chosen people.
's just a reflection of the Gospel back to God that the ratio of a paternity becomes detached and then is compared to a personal conception of the relationship with God, "Abba (father, father, the normal title used of God in prayer. Whenever happens in the New Testament is also the interpretation of Greek, which is probably explained by the fact that the term Chaldean "ABBA" through frequent use in prayer, gradually acquired the nature of a sacred name, which the greek-speaking Jews added the name in their language).
This personal relationship with God, Abba, implies an essential deepening of relations between man and God, almost inevitable. The personal conception of the fatherhood of God can directly invoke God as Father. example of Jesus claiming God with the Aramaic Abba, creating an absolute innovation in relationship with God, He spoke to God like a child talking to his father with the same simplicity, the same intimacy, the same trusting. The vocative abba Jesus manifested the essence of his relationship with God, so his followers are urged to seek God and to call my Father, Dad. With the simple vocative
Abba, Father, the Christian church has taken over by Jesus at the core of his faith in God That meant that the use of Abba for the oldest Christian Paul said very clearly, in words different but broadly in agreement, letters to the Romans and Galatians. "What you're really a child of God ... God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, who cries Abba, Father." "While we call Abba, Father, the Spirit (of God), confirms our spirit that we are children of God. " The cry of Abba, this is the meaning of the two statements of St. Paul and beyond any human capability is only possible under the new relationship between man and God established by Jesus Christ, 'God himself, who through the Spirit, moving the 'man to cry Abba, making it fully son. In other words, Paul says, every time a man called Abba, God ensures that he is truly his son.
The contents of a personal relationship between man and God, is expressed in one word: Abba.