SAFE INVEST The modern banking landscape is very complex and therefore it is difficult to find a way to invest your money in a satisfactory manner.
Banks often offer savings options with interest rates very low.
The contracts stipulate that the investor with the bank is not always easy to interpret and often they are cleverly hidden clauses that reduce the apparent cost-saving option.
are then often cases in which savers lost their money because, driven by the desire for easy money, you improvise "Broker" and buy, for example, actions of high risk.
order to invest online is critical to document in detail, otherwise the chances of success become minimal.
Very often, therefore, is thought to rely on financial advisors, but again you have to be really sure that the promoter is a person reliable and experienced.
Not infrequently, we hear of friends or relatives who have lost a lot of money on misleading or wrong advice of financial advisors.
WHAT TO DO TO INVEST their money safely? The following list is the result of extensive research aimed at identify, among all savings products, those that minimize the risk (in many cases the risk is zero) and maximize profits.
L ' debt (often referred to as English bond) is a title of Credit issued by companies or public bodies that gives the holder the right to repayment of principal plus interest .
Usually, the repayment of principal at the expiration at face value and in a single solution, while the interest is paid periodically (quarterly, semiannually or annually). The interest that is paid periodically coupon to redeem it because in the past you had to remove the cutting unit number of the certificate representing the debt
The Treasury Bills (BOT ) is a zero-coupon , which is a zero-coupon bonds with a maturity of less than or equal to 12 months, issued by the government to finance the Italian public debt. The BOT is repaid
"equal" that the redemption value coincides with the nominal value of the title, 100. The certificate shall be issued without coupons and therefore the output is given by difference between the redemption value (nominal value) and the issue price, which is "below par", ie less than 100.
The percentage yield of the title is calculated by dividing the total return, ie the difference between the redemption value (VR) and the output value (EV) - the value of issuing and returning the quotient year. For a bot to a year, for example, if the output value is equal to 97, the bond yield is equal to (VR-VE) / VE, or in our example (100-97) / 97 = 3.09 %. If the title has less than a year the yield is obtained from the formula: (VR-VE) / VE * 365 / N, with N equal to the number of days duration of the operation. The duration
(Or durations ) BOT is equal to its maturity , as in the case of the other zero coupon bonds. The State issues the BOT
through auctions, known as "competitive bidding " They are open only to financial intermediaries , acting on behalf of their clients. These auctions take place in regulated markets such as the MOT (market electronic bond and government securities), in quantities of 1,000 € or multiples, and the MTS (electronic spot market for government bonds) for lots greater than or equal to 2 5 million €. The titles are awarded to intermediaries who proposed the most favorable to the State, such as a purchase price higher.
- postal savings books
Italian Post Office has recently raised the interest rate on savings accounts.
This solution, although it does not guarantee high returns, is a simple and secure way to make money their money.
government fees on current accounts: All accounts are subject to a government tax of about € 49. This fee is not always advertised by banks, especially when it comes to checking accounts at zero cost, but is always there.
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